A fall in the birth rate in Germany and Switzerland raises many questions

by time news

The start of 2022 is marked by a sharp drop in the birth rate in Germany and Switzerland. When we examine the figures, and put them into perspective with those of previous years, we note a significant drop in births for both countries.

What do the official statistics say?

According to provisional results from the German Statistical Office Federal Office of Statistics (Destatis) for the year 2022, approximately 285,800 children were born in Germany between January and May 2022. When looking at the figures for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 and making a comparison over the same months, we note a 9% decrease in births. A particularly significant drop from January to April (− 10% according to still incomplete data) which is however reduced in May to – 3%.

There are also significant differences between West Germany, which showed a decrease of 8%, and East Germany, which was even higher with a decrease of 12.9% (−12, 5% without Berlin).

When we go into the details, it is the number of births of the second child which shows the strongest drop with (−11%) of births. For the first child, the Institute of Statistics shows a drop of 8.3%, while for the third, this figure is – 6%.

For its part, Switzerland shows an even more marked decrease since, according to figures from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), there would be 5,526 fewer newborns registered compared to the previous year, which is equivalent to to a 15.1% drop in births.

Number of live births per month from 2015 to 2022 in Switzerland

Could the change in the birth rate be linked to the vaccine?

How to interpret these numbers?

The examination of the birth figures in Switzerland or Germany for the year 2022, and the comparison established with the data of the previous years, reveals a spectacular and unprecedented decrease in births.

Reading what is reported in the vast majority of the media on the subject, we see that the fertility problems encountered following infection with Sars-CoV-2, or following vaccination against covid, are not never considered as potential causes of a drop in the birth rate. However, when we take a closer look at the periods of the first vaccinations for people of childbearing age (20 to 49 years) in 2021, and the drop in births nine months later, the strange correspondence that emerges questions and deserves definitely an investigation.

However, when a phenomenon of such magnitude as this occurs, it is always dangerous to attribute it to a single cause. But, it is also dangerous not to consider it to include it in the possible causes of the decline in fertility.

Study predicts world population decline

According to the latest United Nations forecasts, the world population could reach eight billion human beings on November 15, and 10.4 billion in 2100. This projection, far from being unanimous, is notably disputed by James Pomeroy, an HSBC economist who made very different forecasts in his study published on August 22, 2022. According to him, the world’s population could be halved by 2100, a figure which he explains by both the declining birth rate and rising mortality due to the aging of the population.

« The likelihood that the size of the world’s population will begin to shrink in the next twenty years is much higher than we originally predicted. “said the economist, who thinks that the peak predicted around 2080 by the United Nations would not be real. He places it rather around 2043. Therefore, the decline would begin earlier than expected.

The fertility rate continues to decline. In the 1950s, the average fertility of the world’s population was 5 children per woman, a figure that has collapsed to 2.3% of births per woman in 2021 and could drop further to 2.1% by to 2050, resulting in population stability before dropping rapidly to reach 4 billion people on Earth by 2100.

According to the report, this decline in the fertility rate has multiple causes. Access to contraception, the rise in real estate prices in developed countries and the integration of women into the labor market are all factors that could play in favor of this global drop in the birth rate. However, the possibility that infection with Sars-CoV-2 or vaccination against covid could have affected fertility is never mentioned in the report.

The action of the Spike protein on the reproductive organs

Among the effects induced by SARS-CoV-2 or by the vaccine Spike protein, damage to the sexual reproductive organs is observed.

The Israel Study

An Israeli study on the decline in fertility after vaccination demonstrated that the injection of the Pfizer gene vaccine temporarily impaired fertility, with a return to normal possible, but not demonstrated after the injection. Indeed, when looking at the data, it can be seen that after six months (T3), there is still a 15.9% decrease in the level of sperm concentration while the total number of motile sperm ( REM) still shows a decrease of 19.4%.

Fertility is considered impaired when the motile sperm count is below 40%. If the normal value is between 40 and 81%, a drop of 19.4% is likely to render infertile all people who have an average below 60%.

This study having been carried out on donors vaccinated with two doses, one can also wonder what the consequences of repeated injections every three or four months could be, and what about donors who have already received three, four or five doses.

Biological mechanisms

As CNRS research director Jean-Marc Sabatier explains, these attacks were made possible by the very strong presence of the ECA2 cell receptor in the cells of the male and female reproductive organs, and recognized by Sars-CoV-2. which serves as a point of attachment.

During an infection in humans or an inoculation of an anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, there may be an alteration in the production of androgen hormones (including testosterone) and spermatozoa via its action on the renin-angiotensin (RAS) system of the male reproductive organs. The hormone angiotensin-2 is involved in downregulating testosterone production, and regulating testicular growth, while the AT1R receptor inhibits spermatogenesis and testosterone production.

Thus, in infected or vaccinated persons, erectile dysfunction (due to the vasoconstrictor effect of the overactivated AT1R receptor), a reduction in the size (atrophy) of the penis and testicles, as well as of the libido (for both sexes) which are the effects visible » of these sexual attacks induced by the dysfunction of the RAS. Adverse effects of SARS-CoV-2 or the Spike vaccine on spermatogenesis and testosterone production may affect male fertility. Indeed, the importance of RAS in fertility or infertility has been widely demonstrated to date, both in men and in women.

In women, the ovarian RAS (called OVRAS) plays a key role in the physiology of the ovaries and associated ovarian diseases. It is necessary for normal reproduction. However, a dysfunction of the ovarian RAS potentially induced by SARS-CoV-2 or the vaccine Spike protein can therefore affect the maturation and ovulation of oocytes (altered menstrual cycle), the production of estrogen hormones, and lead to disturbances or pathologies such as infertility, ovarian cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. The presence of autoimmune antibodies directed against the AT1R receptor can result in infertility.

In women, we can thus observe (along with other potential Covid-19 pathologies) a more or less significant and disabling disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Read also: The ANSM invites vaccinated women suffering from menstrual disorders to report them, “Where is my cycle” welcomes this

The Spike protein (from the SARS-CoV-2 or vaccine virus) can act directly on the endometrium and associated blood vessels and cause blood clotting disorders, including thrombocytopenia (a low number of blood platelets that help the blood to coagulate). This is due to a phenomenon called hemophagocytosis which occurs during the macrophage activation syndrome induced by the virus or the vaccine Spike protein which is directly responsible for the bleeding and menstrual disorders sometimes observed in some people during infection with SARS- CoV-2 or following a vaccination. In some extreme cases, the removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) has been necessary after a vaccination.

Read also: The deleterious effects associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus or induced by vaccines: Jean-Marc Sabatier

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