A famous drink that no house is without a deadly weapon to lose weight and cholesterol, get rid of the rumen permanently and eliminate arthritis

by time news

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Many seek to find a drink that speeds up the process of losing weight and getting rid of excess weight, and despite what has been rumored about the importance of water, there is a magical drink.

Some drinks, especially water and green tea, are famous for their ability to support the weight loss process, as water is at the top of the most important nutrients in addition to enhancing the feeling of satiety, while green tea actually supports the process of burning fat, but experts noted that there is a drink that may outperform the All of the above drinks support the process of losing weight effectively and quickly.

A study based on data from the National Health Examination Survey (NHANES) in the United States of America, and published in the “Annals of Family Medicine” journal, confirmed a close and significant association between low amounts of water or drinking little water and obesity in humans, which confirms Eating more water supports the weight loss process.

But the article published in the American magazine “Eat This, Not That”, under the title “The No. 1 Weight Loss Drink According to Experts” revealed that each hot drink outperforms all of the above in supporting the weight loss process due to its unique properties.

And the Russian agency, Sputnik, quoted the expert in the field of nutrition, Dr. Teresa Best, as saying that drinking hot cumin water actually supports the weight loss process.

The expert noted that cumin syrup can be prepared easily at home by boiling dried cumin seeds, which contain large amounts of antioxidants that support the improvement of the immune system, intestinal health, reduce inflammation and keep cancer away.

“A lot of research has been done on the benefits of cumin in reducing (body) fat, and it has shown an increase in the metabolic rate of those who have had trouble losing weight,” says Best.

She explained that having a “faster metabolism means that the body burns calories at a higher rate.”

The article touched on a small clinical trial involving 88 obese women, where an experimental group of women ate yogurt with cumin twice daily while the control group was given yogurt without cumin. The results published in the journal “National Institutes of Health” showed that the women who ate only cumin had a significant decrease in weight, body mass index, waist circumference and fat mass.

They had lower levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, and “bad” LDL cholesterol, as well as a degree of arthritis, while increasing levels of “good” HDL cholesterol.

And the expert adds Best, explaining that cumin water helps regulate blood sugar levels by helping cells to respond properly to glucose and insulin. Where the high level of sugar in the blood leads to the storage of glucose in human cells in proportions exceeding the cell’s energy needs, which in turn turns into fats.

The article indicated the best way to prepare cumin water, where a tablespoon of cumin seeds should be soaked in a cup or two of water overnight.

The next morning, the mixture must be boiled for 5 minutes, and once the water cools, it must be filtered from the seeds, and it can be eaten hot or cold as desired, and the expert advised adding cinnamon to improve its flavor.

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