A father injects his one-year-old daughter with mercury – 2024-04-16 00:52:51

by times news cr

2024-04-16 00:52:51

A man and his partner were convicted of injecting a one-year-old girl with mercury. The child is the daughter of the convicted parent.

The humiliating story is from Germany. The 28-year-old father decided to take revenge on his ex-wife through their baby.

“The accused used his daughter to punish his ex-wife. He wanted to see the child’s mother suffer just as he suffered during the separation. He put his sense of revenge above his daughter’s right to life,” said the judge in the case, Martin Grote.

The girl’s mother abandoned them four days after birth.

The new woman in the father’s life was a paramedic. According to the investigation, it was she who filled the syringe with the dangerous mercury. One of the two adults held the one-year-old girl while the other administered the poisonous injection. According to the court, the woman was driven by a desire to bind her friend more closely to herself through her participation in the serious crime.

Both defendants initially denied charges of attempted murder. Shortly before the end of the case, they admitted that together they had injected mercury into the baby’s left foot and right ankle on July 24, 2023. The father and his new girlfriend knew that the poison did not cause immediate death and wanted to cause particularly severe pain to the one-year-old .

Fortunately, it survives.

After the mercury injection, the toddler had a purulent infection on his leg and a rash all over his body. It was only during the third operation that the mercury was accidentally discovered.

The girl, now two and a half years old, continues to struggle with the lasting effects of the attack. There are still mercury balls in her body that could cause problems in the future.

“When one day she comes to her senses, one will certainly remember that her father poisoned her,” concluded Judge Grote.

The horror couple was sentenced by a court in Hanover – the father will spend 12 years in prison and his partner – 12 on charges of attempted murder.

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