A former French officer supports the track of the sabotage of Nord Stream by the Americans

by time news

Questioned on LCI on October 5 about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, General Henri Pinard-Legry (2S) spoke about the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea, evoking a “cluster of clues” leading to involvement “American or at least NATO”.

The former high-ranking French officer is opposed to the Atlantic Alliance being alone in charge of an investigation intended to identify the cause of the leaks at the level of the installations by virtue of the existence of a “cluster of clues” which tends to orient in the direction of“an American or at least NATO intervention”.

Cut off then by his interlocutor who hastened to notify that such an analysis went against the “consensus of observers”recalling the vague slogan taken up by government and mainstream media on the “consensus of health authorities” about the vaccination against Covid-19, the current honorary president of the Association for the support of the French army resumed his reasoning by affirming that it was based on “circular elements[a]nt in the press ».

He notably recalled that the area where the leaks were observed was closely monitored. “It is necessarily extremely controlled with underwater sensors”he pointed out.

The lack of motive

The general also recalled that “extremely important maneuvers” had taken place in this area, including a “considerable deployment of buildings with flights of helicopters whose trajectories coincidentally followed the [gazoduc] ». A reference, it would seem, to the BALTOPS 22 exercises conducted by the Alliance in June 2022 with 45 ships, more than 75 aircraft and 7,500 personnel.

Finally, he put forward geopolitical motivations, which according to him could come to credit the thesis of an American responsibility. “What interest would the Russians have had in losing leverage in these negotiations, when Biden had said that Nord Stream 2 would never work if there was a Russian offensive in Ukraine? “, he asked about it.

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