A former senior IDF official against Ministers Karai and Distel: “Crazy power intoxication”

by time news

37 reserve pilots this week threatened not to show up for reserve day as a protest against the legal reform. In the meantime, although a solution was reached and the pilots announced that they would report back, the move drew harsh statements towards the pilots from the ministers Shlomo Karai and Galit Distal, who called them “a fall of nemush”.

The former head of the Operations Division, Major General (Ret.) Israel Ziv, spoke this morning (Wednesday) with Anat Davidov on 103FM and harshly criticized the politicians who attack the reservists.

“We are talking about a threat of refusal and not refusal for its own sake, we have not yet reached the point where they were called to the flag and did not arrive. This is true for every soldier in this army, I sign it and I have no shadow of a doubt, the loyalty of these people must not be criticized because we all get up and go to sleep Thanks to her,” Ziv claimed.

He added that: “They feel that the most precious thing for which they continue to fight is being taken from them, someone has broken the rules of the game as far as they are concerned and they are here expressing the right power to stop this train. Even when you point the finger of blame at them for the threat, it should be done with respect and not in a manner It is where people are sent, some of whom do not even know where the IDF camps are sent.”

As for the words of Knesset members Karai and Distel-Atbarian, who severely criticized the reservists who took part in the march, Ziv said: “This outrages every common sense in the country, and every cell in the body of a normal person in the country, this is a crazy power intoxication of people who don’t even understand what it is Democracy, they think the whole thing is the victory of the majority. They have to take responsibility. Where does this responsibility manifest itself?”

“This wave exists, it is asleep, it infuriates the people, the statements further infuriate the people and create polarization, the cry must be heard. Everyone has families here, will they abandon the borders? It will not happen. A large part of the units are a kind of continuation generation. Let them stop for a moment, bring back some common sense and responsibility, I have no doubt that this will cool it down. The story is breaking the rules of the game for the entire country,” he concluded.

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Michal Kadosh, 103fm

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