A former senior official in the defense establishment: “a critical moment from a security point of view”

by time news

Brigadier General (Res.) Amir Avivi, CEO and founder of the “Security Movement”, was interviewed this morning (Wednesday) by Yoav Mintz on his program on Radio North 104.5FM and referred to the special security situation assessments held by Defense Minister Yoav Galant, following the recent serious events , among them the explosion of the bomb at the Megiddo junction, in which 21-year-old Sharaf Al-Din was seriously injured.

The interviewer noted that former Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot also said that “we are in one of the most serious times since the Yom Kippur War”, and Avibi agreed: “I completely agree with Gadi. We are in an extraordinarily sensitive time. Our enemies all around have a feeling that we are falling apart. Nasrallah speaks clearly about this. We know his theory about the ‘spider web’ and he says: ‘Here it is. It’s happening right now,'” he said at the beginning of the interview. “He sees the signs of reluctance in the Air Force, the internal debates, and he says: ‘Now they don’t have an army to fight either.’ This greatly increases their motivation for attacks, their confidence and daring. We recently saw a series of cargo attacks, the latest of which was at the Megiddo junction in the north. There are things that are under shadow and cannot be talked about, but the message that can be conveyed to the citizens of Israel: we are in a critical moment from a security point of view and we must understand it. We must show responsibility, we must close ranks, stop the internal fights, with the displays of refusal, strengthen the IDF, otherwise we will all find ourselves in something we really, really don’t want to be in and then we will have to do everything I am saying now: Run to the planes, mobilize and be all together and face a very serious threat.”

to the claim that Israel is actually facing four arenas: in the north, in the south, Iran, Judea and Samaria, so how do we prepare for such a multi-arena situation, and answered: “The head of the CIA has already said that they have forged a Russian-Iranian front for us because of the war in Ukraine. Iran is getting very strong and succeeds in restoring relations with Saudi Arabia, and all of this is happening through the mediation of China. In Gaza, they continue to manufacture rockets all the time, and Hamas also feels that we have a problem and the security there is rising and rising, and they are all radiating to Judea and Samaria and the vicinity of Jerusalem. You see the never-ending waves of terror, no matter how long we are in a continuous operation and there is no Count arrests and activities and the level of terrorism is still very high and will not decrease. We arrest between 10 and 20 terrorists every night throughout Judea and Samaria, and this is accompanied by exchanges of fire and quite a few terrorists are killed.”

To the question of how well Israel is actually prepared to face a multi-arena campaign, the former senior official replied that he is not optimistic: “Unfortunately, the IDF has significantly reduced the scope of its reserve forces in the last decade or two. And this makes reality very challenging in his ability to deal simultaneously in several arenas. At the same time, even though some time has passed since ‘Keeper of the Walls’, there is also the interior scene and the ability of an internal uprising. The National Guard in question has not yet been established, the processes of building the force are neither fast enough nor determined enough. It takes time and you have to move forward with it quickly. Thousands of people are needed to protect the centers of the cities and settlements and the peripheral defense system. The budget that the Israel Police and the IDF received provides a solution, but we need to move quickly with this matter.”

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