A goodbye with a lump in the throat

by time news

This blog was born in an unpretentious way when I was still a political reporter at Correio Popular. I wanted a space to tell readers what I knew and often couldn’t do in a newspaper report. It was love at first sight between me, my readers and sources. It worked very well!!!!

Over the years, this space has become a reference source of information. One sentence I always liked to hear from my readers and sources was: “Was it on Rose’s blog? If it came out, it’s true! For a journalist there is nothing more precious than credibility!

When I left the Post Office, the blog already had a life of its own. There was no way not to take him to Band. It became one of the most accessed products on the Band SP portal. There have been many elections, complaints and interviews over the last few years.

This text is the last one I write on this blog. I’m ending my relationship with Band Campinas. I received a new job offer and decided to accept it. I am scared? Clear! But I never stopped accepting a challenge in projects that I believe in. I go with butterflies in my stomach for the unknown and I get a lump in my throat for having to put an end to such a wonderful project like this!

Therefore, I would like to thank my readers and sources who have followed me all these years and emphasize that it was my pleasure to have a blog that created a bond between journalist, reader and source! See you later!

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