A government between renewal and experience

by time news

2023-07-15 02:03:56

Once the institutional machinery is put into operation, all that remains is to measure the diligence of the people. In this sense, Emiliano García-Page is usually someone who gives time, ceremony and liturgy to democratic forms, but is also expeditious when looking for ways to trace political itineraries.

For this reason, this week that now ends does so with the regional Executive fully formed, after it began with the echoes of the inauguration of the president of the Board himself on the weekend. However, in barely forty-eight hours the new government was constituted and at the same time the first formal council of the legislature was held.

The week concludes with a trained executive and important challenges such as managing new European funds

A government that was born with the spirit of permanence, but also with new airs and aware of the difficulty of the new period, while the political reality of the autonomous community is very different, taking care of the numerous town halls and also some councils that have fallen at the hands of the Popular Party, supported on multiple occasions by Vox.

Page, aware that the momentum at the start is important and that the machinery must start running as soon as possible, has put together a team halfway between wisdom and experience and the renewal of faces. It is also true that he has had to strike a better balance, taking into account that some important figures of the party in the region, such as José Manuel Caballero -general secretary of the Ciudad Real socialists and up to now president of the provincial council- had been left out of position after on May 28.

In this way, Caballero himself will be the holder of a second vice-presidency that complements the one that José Luis Martínez Guijarro, Page’s right-hand man and strongman in the regional Executive, has held for eight years.

There are four other directors who repeat and have been with Page since the first minute he became president of the Board, back in May 2015. They are Juan Alfonso Ruiz Molina, Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, the fiscal bulwark of the government; Patricia Franco, Minister of Economy, Business and Employment, essential for Page when looking for new investments in the region; Jesús Fernández Sanz, Minister of Health and true protagonist of the previous legislature with his solvent management of the pandemic and Nacho Hernando, Minister of Public Works, the youngest of all and, without a doubt, a key figure today and, of course, in the future.

Bárbara García Torijano also continues, Minister of Social Welfare, who entered in the middle of the previous legislature and Amador Pastor joined as Minister of Education, having until now held the vice-ministry in that same department.

Other incorporations are those of Esther Padilla, a true veteran of Toledo socialism despite her youth. With the maximum confidence of Emiliano García-Page, she is already seasoned in a thousand battles and will deal with the spokesperson, taking advantage of her extensive experience with the media.

A fundamental pillar in the Board’s policies are those of agriculture and livestock and these will be the responsibility of Julián Martínez Lizán, a hellinero from the Upa and who picks up the baton from Francisco Martínez Arroyo, who does not repeat in the position after eight years of mandate. This will be a central field for the Executive of Page, since the closeness of his policies with a sector that is not having a good time in recent times will have to be noted.

Other appointments that complete the new list of the regional government are those of Mercedes Gómez as Minister of Sustainable Development, who will assume the powers of water, a key issue in the political sphere of the region. She is a veteran leader who already held the Ministry of Agriculture in the time of José María Barreda.

And in the area of ​​equality, Page incorporates Sara Simón, who during the last legislature was spokesperson for the Guadalajara city council, an institution now governed by PP and Vox. Also in this department, Page will point out the existing programmatic differences between some institutions and others.

With the machinery oiled and about to receive more European funds, according to what the president of the Board himself said this week, everything will also depend on what happens on July 23 in the general elections. Because if Sánchez does not govern, Page knows that many eyes will turn towards Toledo.

#government #renewal #experience

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