A “government of national unity” envisaged, start of sales and more weather alerts

by time news

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

What recipe for political cooking will Emmanuel Macron follow to avoid a blockage of the executive? The question is being asked as the president carries out between Tuesday and Wednesday a vast tour of the political forces. Received Tuesday evening at the Elysée, Fabien Roussel gave a first glimpse of the line that the head of state could follow. The PCF deputy thus affirmed on LCI that the president “considers” the constitution of a “government of national unity”. Another solution for Emmanuel Macron: “go get support on a case-by-case basis”, according to the “subjects”. But before deciding whether the ministers will have all the colors of the political game, the consultations continue. This Wednesday, the newly elected and re-elected deputies are also entering the National Assembly.

From this Wednesday, traders will try to make us forget about inflation. The summer sales are starting. “There will be good deals to be had from the start,” assures Yohann Petiot, managing director of the Alliance du Commerce. However, the economic context is very uncertain. It is therefore “difficult to know how customers will react” and to anticipate the number of shops in the coming days. It must be said that household morale has been hit hard since the start of the year, which began with the Omicron variant. Added to this was the conflict in Ukraine and the rise in inflation in many expenditure items, energy, transport and then food. It now remains to wait until July 19, the day the sales end, to take stock.

It’s almost a habit in this month of June. Météo-France once again asks this Wednesday to pay attention to the sky. The public establishment has notably placed 15 departments on orange “storms” and “heat wave” vigilance, in its bulletin published at 6 a.m. On this second day of summer, 20 Minutes gives you an update on this new alert.

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