“A great frustration, but also a great demonstration of the team’s abilities”, judge Paulo Fonseca

by time news

Paulo Fonseca says he is frustrated after the draw against Les Gones on Friday. SAMEER AL-DOUMY / AFP

The Losc coach looks back on the draw conceded against Lyon on Friday (3-3), at the start of the 27th day of Ligue 1, while the Mastiffs led 2-0 and 3-1.

Paulo Fonseca (coach of Lille, after the 3-3 draw against Lyon on Friday during the 27th day of Ligue 1 ) : «I think we did a lot of good things in this match, but we didn’t manage the last minutes well. It’s not the first time, but it’s a good opportunity to keep improving. It’s a great frustration, but also a great demonstration of the team’s abilities. I am confident for the future. I think for the fans it was a great game. This is what all fans, all players, all coaches want. I had fun but I also have a lot of frustration because we had to win this game.

(What did he say to his players after the match?) Nothing. Today, nothing. Sometimes there are times when it’s better not to talk. At the next training, I should speak with the players, but tonight, no. (Worried about the race for Europe?) No, you know I’m not thinking about Europe, I’m only thinking about the next game. This question is not for me».

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