A group of Heitkists will hold a hackathon for democracy

by time news

According to the report in Mako, the idea is to develop a free application or game, which will help generate more knowledge and understanding in an accessible and effective way for the general public. The winners will receive an amount of ten thousand dollars on behalf of the “Zolt” institute for the further development of the game and the distribution of the final product.

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“I am part of a group of high-tech managers and entrepreneurs, who are concerned about the discourse and we decided to organize the hackathon. We do not have a profit goal, but solely for the sake of promoting the discourse – to allow for a variety of opinions, and to make accessible objectively what is happening in Israel today, what the situation is, what the situation that has been created, what all One claims,” ​​Yuval Ashkenazi, 38, an entrepreneur and psychologist with training in mediation and close communication, and one of the organizers of the hackathon, told Mako.

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