A heated debate in the Constitution Committee; Requirement: The Commissioner must apologize to Rabbi Yosef

by time news

The decision of the Ombudsman, retired Judge Uri Shoham, according to which it is advisable to consider the continuation of the term of the Rishon LeZion Gari Yosef, reached the Constitution Committee this morning | Personal Revenge “

The Constitution Committee convened today (Monday) at the request of MKs Uri Maklev, Moshe Arbel and Avi Maoz to discuss the decision of the Ombudsman, Justice Uri Shoham , On issues of training and conversion.

Prior to the confrontation between the religious representatives and the committee’s chairman, MK Gilad Karib, who refused to summon Commissioner Shoham, in contrast to what he summoned and required the director general of the Malka courts to appear in the past, when Karib refused to explain why he did so. Discussion while a conflict of interest since he is the representative of the reformers who petitioned against Rabbi Yosef.

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The initiator of the hearing, MK Uri Maklev, said: “When the government leads reforms that change the procedures of halakhic law, the role and essence of its work is to stand up and warn the public,” he argued. “When she asked for a reform in her field, she said that it was a ‘murky wave’, the commissioner accepted her words – the same commissioner she appointed.”

“Shame should cover your face to receive recommendations that you can not accept. – The commissioner came to curse and proved to the whole world his private worldview, this is a personal campaign of revenge, Here, only the world language is crooked, “shouted Maklev, who wanted to order the retired judge to apologize to Rabbi Yosef and cancel his decision.

MK Avi Maoz first attacked the chairman, Gilad Karib, who chaired the debate, “It is ridiculous, because you, Karib, are chairing this committee, and your opinion is known in advance. Just as the Commissioner that they have shown judicial charlatanry, so too here will be your charlatanry, the chairman of the committee. According to Maoz, “The chief rabbi must say his Torah opinion without fear and without fear. The commissioner must apologize unless he is a servant of the reform movements, which in Israel are cynical movements that file complaints and then the system responds to them like the commissioner Who was at the head of the reform movement and still a member of it, and that’s how a hand washes a hand and we come to the same charlatanical conduct. “

MK Moshe Arbel attacked: “Here is the chairman of a committee that until he entered the Knesset was the director general of this reform movement who complained against Rabbi Yosef and the one who prevented the summoning of the retired Commissioner Justice Shoham,” according to Arbel, “it hurts the Knesset. “Shoham’s perception undermines the Knesset’s trust,” he said.

The commissioner’s assistant, Adv. Wolf, came to the committee and tried to argue that he no longer serves as president of the courts and therefore does not have the opportunity to speak on issues relating to the judiciary, in contrast to the Supreme Court president who must speak on and restrict judges.

The hearing ended without conclusions and it was agreed to hold another hearing. Karib threatened to summon the first to mark Hagar Yosef. At no point with my dayan with Shoham did he say he would not show up if summoned. I made a decision not to invite Shoham and I stand behind it. “

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