A heavy sadness: the head of the yeshiva passed away at the age of 102

by time news

The Hasidic Hasidic genius Rabbi Yosef Horvitz zt’l, the head of the Chidhushei Harim Yeshiva – Gur in Tel Aviv, one of the greatest copyists of the Shmoa and the Torah preacher, who was one of the remnants of the students of the Mir yeshiva in Shanghai and who educated many students in the Torah and God-fearing, has passed away. His funeral tonight from Bnei Brak to Jerusalem

Baruch Dayan the Truth: But it was heavy in the Torah world in general and in the court of Gur Hasidism in particular when the news came this evening about the departure on good return of The Yeshish chasidic gaon Rabbi Yosef Halevi Horvitz zt’l, the head of the Chidhushei Harim yeshiva, lives in Tel Aviv, and the remains of the students of the Mir yeshiva in Shanghai, and he was 102 years old at the time of his death.

Rabbi Yosef ztzel was born in Poland in 21 Tishrei 2015 to his father Rabbi Yaakov ztzel who was a Chassid of Gur who lived in one of the Polish towns, in that town there was one rebbe of the Beit Skarnewitz race, the way to live in those days was not so easy and orderly, And they prayed in the rebbe’s seminary in the town, and even participated in setting up his tables, and at known times they would go home.

The Gaon Rabbi Yosef ZtZal also made one trip to the Rebbe Baal Ha’Amri Emat from the residence of the ZtZal before the Holocaust. Being a Holocaust refugee he ended up in Japan where he fasted for two days on Yom Kippur. By choice he studied at the Mir yeshiva in Shanghai and is one of the last remaining students of the yeshiva.

For over sixty years, he preached Torah and worship, at the Yeshiva of the Gor Hasidic Renovations in Tel Aviv, he was completely engrossed in learning and thinking in learning, his entire being was covered in shingles when he smoked a cigarette while walking around the yeshiva, and when he was lost in thought he would get a burn from the cigarette. Students who studied with him It is said that he would “ask for forgiveness” from trees he got stuck in during his walk.

All Ramah his limbs spoke a form, and illustrated the holy Torah, his students tell ‘Bachderi Haredim’ that he was a moving Shulchan Aruch in both Midods and Chassidim, he was immersed 24 hours in the Torah. And he trained thousands of students.

His student Rabbi Yisrael Ehrlich from Vienna tells about his character to ‘Bechadari Haredim’ “It was not appropriate to know the Gaon Rabbi Yosal Horvitz zt’l, because he was not here. All of him floats in the worlds of Shas issues. Smokes his pipe constantly, and if he came across a pillar in the street, he would ask for forgiveness… asking him a question in the Gemara was possible, only if you could devote two whole hours to the answer.”

“In his husky voice, he would begin to explain to you the section of the Gemara or the Toss, and then he would begin to navigate the expanses of the Shas, first and last, Rashba, Ritba, Ketzus and Nativot. Makes and breaks up from here to them. For two whole days he could be stuck on one tussle, and he didn’t let it go until it was broken into pieces, and he rebuilt it with the help of a battery of first and last ones. If you wanted to ask him about ‘those days’, during the war, in the well-known story about the Yom Kippur question of the Shanghai exiles. Had he indeed fasted two days in a row, he would have smiled like a smile, and tapped lightly on the Gemara as if to say: How will this help you to understand the issue… a rare combination of Polish genius and asceticism from the house of Novhardok, the erudition of Mir and the Hasidicism of Gor from ancient times.”

He won and left behind him a blessed generation of righteous people, sons and daughters-in-law and many descendants who continue his glorious path.

The funeral procession tonight at 21:30 at 20 Hashloshka St. in Bnei Brak, through Beit Midrash Gadol Gour on Yeremiahu St. in Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives there Yeatman.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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