A hit on solar: With photovoltaics, it pays to bet on the safe side

by time news

2023-06-13 00:00:00

Client presentation:
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The popularity of photovoltaics is not just a fad. Martin Křenek from the Service Center PRE says: “The long-term development of electricity prices is difficult to predict. People also care more and more about protecting the environment. It is therefore not surprising that interest in photovoltaic power plants has not waned even after electricity prices began to decrease.“

If you decide on photovoltaics, of course you need to solve the question of the supplier. What will help you choose correctly and not burn yourself out?

With photovoltaics, it pays to bet on certainty

Author: Pražská energetika, as

It is best to bet on experience and solidity

We paid a deposit, but even after several months, nothing happens and the supplier does not communicate with us. We have neither panels nor money now.” You have probably already seen similar stories in the media.

As a result of the solar boom, the number of companies trying to make money from it has skyrocketed. Unfortunately, many of them do not have experience, technical background or a sufficiently qualified workforce. PV installation process then it gets complicated easily.

Don’t take risks when choosing a PV supplier. Be sure to look at references and choose from larger, solid suppliers who have a track record. It is ideal if the company provides you with complete services – from design to installation to service“, recommends Martin Křenek.

FVEs make sense economically and ecologically

There are many reasons to go for photovoltaics. Let’s recall at least the most important ones.

1. Financial saving

Installing PV means a certain initial investment. But it is not as high as you might expect. In addition, you can look forward to lower electricity bills, thanks to which the initial investment will gradually return to you.

2. Respect for nature

Solar radiation is a renewable, practically inexhaustible source of energy. Photovoltaic panels do not need any additional fuel that would pollute the air or otherwise burden nature.

3. Easy installation, simplified legislation

You don’t have to worry that PV installation will significantly interfere with your building or complicate your life. And even if the paperwork takes some time, most PV plants with an output of up to 50 kWp do not need a building permit or an ERÚ license.

4. Long service life, low maintenance cost

Manufacturers state that silicon cells can last for decades. In addition, they do not contain moving parts, so they have a very low failure rate. Apart from regular service inspections, you practically do not have to worry about them.

5. Subsidy of up to CZK 205,000

As a future owner of a PV plant, you can receive a subsidy from the New Green Savings program in the amount of up to CZK 205,000. In addition, a solid supplier will handle all the paperwork and the grant application for you.

With photovoltaics, it pays to bet on certainty

Author: Pražská energetika, as

How and where to use photovoltaics?

Simply put, anyone who has a roof and wants to reduce energy costs can install a PV system. Our technician will assess whether your property is suitable for PV installation and propose an optimal solution – either without storage or with storage for batteries,” explains Martin Křenek.

Reach for a PRECISE and cost-effective solution

PRE is a safe bet. We are the third largest energy group in the Czech Republic with a 125-year history. It is not because we are in danger of not keeping our commitments. We have been dealing with photovoltaics since 2009 and we have behind us over 5,000 installations. We offer affordable and quality technology.

We will prepare a non-binding price offer, propose the best solution, prepare documentation, install the panels and provide a complete service. We will also help you arrange the subsidy contribution.

With our PRE PROUD SOLAR product in addition you get a discount for each excess MWh that goes from your PV plant to the distribution network.

We look forward to seeing you at the PRE Service Center, Jungmannova 747/28, Prague 1, every weekday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Do you want to ask anything? Write to us at [email protected] or call 267 053 464.

More information can be found here.

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