A house was set on fire in the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood: “The fire broke out over the baby’s bed”

by time news

A police spokeswoman updates that last night (Friday) a report was received about a fire in an apartment in Sheikh Jarrah. Police and firefighters were called to the scene. Along with immediate operations to put out the fire, police forces began searching and collecting findings in the area.

This is the home of one of the Jewish residents of the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood, Tal Yoshubiev, who suffers repeated harassment from the Arab residents of the neighborhood, who have already burned his car nine times. His house is located a few hundred meters from the national headquarters of the Israel Police, and about 200 meters from the Border Police base. Miraculously, the family members were not at home. . “I do not want to imagine what would happen if we were at home on Saturday – it could have ended in disaster.”

Yushubiev added that “those who bear responsibility and by his side may be innocent and peaceful blood of innocent Jews – are the Israeli government and the police, who do nothing to catch the terrorists. If it was an Arab’s house, the GSS would have long ago entered the event Administrative detention and administrative expulsions. But when it comes to Jews, the security forces simply abandon us. ”

The police also said, “A police officer who entered the house to carry out scans was slightly injured by smoke inhalation. Following initial findings that raised suspicion of arson, the Jerusalem District Commander had a situation assessment at the end. Jerusalem”.

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