A jar of multivitamins for 90 euros. Does it make sense to take vitamin pills?

by time news

It is quite difficult to get your daily amount of fruit and vegetables. The Nutrition Center prescribes two pieces of fruit (200 grams in total) and 250 grams of vegetables, but eating enough fruit and vegetables sometimes falls short. Does it make sense to take multi-vitamins?


First, it is equally important to consider the importance of vitamins. They are so-called micronutrients; nutrients of less than a gram that we have to get through our food and that play a role in all kinds of processes in our body.

For example, the different types of vitamin B are important for our metabolism and energy management, vitamin C ensures, among other things, the absorption of iron and support our resistance, and you need vitamin D to absorb calcium.

So it’s important that you keep your vitamin levels up. The Nutrition Center, the Consumers’ Association and the Mental Health Care state that you get all the desired vitamins and minerals if you eat a healthy and varied diet.

Too much is bad

It is of course possible that you are deficient in certain vitamins. However, most people do not know exactly which one they are missing. In vitamin pills, the doses are often much higher than the recommended daily amount, can be read in GGZ, while you do not know what your body really needs. It’s a bit like shooting with hail, so to speak. And the excess vitamins in those expensive pills you simply pee out again.

In addition, there is also a risk of overdose, because vitamins have already been added in many products. The Consumers’ Association warns to follow the daily recommended amount, especially for vitamins A, D, E, B3, B6 and folic acid (B11). not to exceed .

Incidentally, for certain groups of people yes the advice to swallow, says the Nutrition Center. For example, young children, the elderly and people with dark skin can be deficient in vitamin D and vegans do not get vitamin B12 through their food. When in doubt, it is always wise to consult your doctor.

You can easily pay 15 euros to even 90 euros for a jar of multi-vitamins. If you take extra vitamins, choose the cheaper supplements, otherwise it will be a very expensive pee.

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