A jeep overturned in Wadi Kelt, yeshiva students were injured

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Two ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students were injured today (Tuesday) in a serious accident in Wadi Kelt after the jeep they were driving overturned in an abyss. The forces of YLAM 25 and the Yitzhak Megillot were rushed to the scene. The accident occurred as part of a day trip by the Givat Shaul Yeshiva Union

Rescuers evacuated the two wounded who were taken to the helicopter by a stretcher from a police helicopter.

A MDA spokeswoman said: “At 13:52, a report was received at MDA’s 101 hotline in the Jerusalem area about a jeep that overturned in Wadi Kelt. Vineyard 2 young people about 18 years old in fair condition with injuries to the lower body. “

(Photo: Etzion-Yehuda Public Relations)


Elon Lubiner, a paramedic from the Rescue Union, said: “These are two young people who fell in a jeep to the river channel. We provided them with first aid at the scene and then they were evacuated by helicopter of Unit 669 to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.

Watch the video.

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(Photo: Etzion-Yehuda Public Relations)

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