A Jewish memorial to the Holocaust was vandalized with a swastika

by time news

Unknown persons vandalized the Jewish monument located inside the university campus in Greece. Damage was caused after Nazi symbols were sprayed. The incident provoked outrage and condemnation from both the Central Jewish Council of Greece and the Mayor of Thessaloniki

Unknown persons vandalized the Jewish monument at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the monument is located inside the university campus, they caused damage and painted Nazi symbols. The incident prompted statements of condemnation from both the Central Jewish Council of Greece (KISE) and the mayor of Thessaloniki, Konstantinos Zervas, local media reported.

In a statement on behalf of the Jewish Council, it was stated that “the year 2022 ends with stigmas of the terrible Nazi swastika and fascist-inspired graffiti, while throughout the year no incident of desecration of the Jewish space was recorded, the swastika was stamped on the monument indicating the sanctity of the site, of one of the Jewish cemeteries The oldest in Europe – which was completely destroyed in 1942 by the Nazis and their collaborators, and the destruction of the large Jewish community in Thessaloniki.”

The monument dedicated to the Jewish cemetery and located at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which was the target of abhorrent vandalism, was built in memory of one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in Europe that was completely destroyed in 1942 by the Nazis and their collaborators. At the same time, the marble dedication of the monument was defaced with a fascist symbol.

The Jewish community called for an investigation: “We condemn the act of vandalism, intolerance and anti-Semitism that express their hatred by desecrating the memory of the dead Salonia Jews. There is no tolerance for anti-Semitism, we call on the prosecution authorities to ensure the immediate arrest of the perpetrators and their prosecution.”

The vandalism of the Jewish monument was also condemned by the mayor of Thessaloniki, Konstantinos Zervas, during the municipal council meeting last Thursday. “I unequivocally condemn the vandalism of the Jewish monument,” said Mr. Zervas. “Our city consistently stands against any such evil act, Thessaloniki respected and respects its history and I ask for the immediate arrest of the perpetrators and the immediate restoration of the monument, and if help is requested from the municipal services, we will engage in it,” added the mayor.

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1 comment

Chai Bawa January 4, 2023 - 10:08 am

Nazi symbol is Hakenkreuz. That is what was graffitied. Stop doing false flag operation to scapegoat POC Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, for things done by other groups. Clean up your act. Stop doing racist propaganda, fake news, false flag operations, scapegoating etc. against POCs.


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