A jump of 78.5% in verified compared to last week

by time news

Police enforce Corona restrictions in Jerusalem (Photo: Police Spokeswoman)

Thursday in a row with more than 1,000 verified: 1,482 Israelis were diagnosed yesterday (Thursday) as positive for Corona. A total of 106,600 tests were performed and the positive rate was 1.4%. The coefficient of infection continues to rise and this morning it stands at 1.36 – indicating a widespread spread of the plague.

Thursday in a row with more than 1,000 verified (Photo: Moti Kimhi)

Data from the Ministry of Health show that since the beginning of the week, 6,455 positives have been diagnosed in Corona in Israel, compared to 3,616 on Sunday to Thursday last week. This is a 78.5% increase in verified compared to last week.

Many of the patients returned from abroad. In fact, more than a quarter of those verified yesterday, 387 people, returned from abroad. 112 of the verified came from the United States, 53 from the UAE, 37 from France, 26 from Turkey, 22 from Hungary, 13 from Italy, 13 from the UK, 12 from Switzerland and 10 from Portugal. In addition, verified people arrived in Corona from Belgium, South Africa, Germany, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ukraine, the Dominican Republic, Poland, India, Jordan, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Cyprus and Russia, among others.

At the same time, the number of critically ill patients has risen moderately and stands at 88. Data show that 80.5% of critically ill patients are not vaccinated at all. Among severe patients, who have not yet turned 60, more than 93% are not vaccinated at all.

Since the outbreak of the plague, 8,241 corona patients have died in Israel, the last of them yesterday. Data from the Ministry of Health show that since the beginning of the month, 39 corona patients have died in the country from the complications of the disease.

The Ministry of Health noted that so far 527 verified micromeners have been identified in Israel, of which 351 are returning from abroad. In recent days, 183 new verified people whose flooring results have been received have been discovered, and there is a high suspicion of another 1,346 cases of variant exposure.

Finance Minister Lieberman: We will not abandon anyone, but we will not scatter money from the helicopter (Photo: Noil Harris)

As a result of the sharp rise in morbidity, the number of active patients continues to rise and today it stands at about 10,500 – most of them in a very mild condition. 1,776 of the active patients live in Jerusalem, 608 in Tel Aviv-Yafo, 554 in Rishon Lezion, 399 in Ma’ale Adumim – the only red city in the country. In Ma’ale Adumim, there was a jump of 1,424% in the number of active patients in one week.

In Petah Tikva, 263 residents of the city are defined as active blues, in Haifa 254, in Holon 242, in Beit Shemesh 200, in Be’er Sheva 194, in Ramat Gan 160, in Ashdod 153, in Netanya 132, in Bnei Brak 115 and in Rehovot 111.

And there is also encouraging data. Yesterday, 11,354 Israelis, most of them aged 5 to 11, received their first vaccine. This is the highest daily number of vaccinators in this dose since October 3rd. Since the beginning of the month, more than 152,000 people have been vaccinated in Israel in the first dose and more than 85,000 in the second dose.

Photo: AFP11,354 were vaccinated for the first time yesterday (Photo: AFP)

Yesterday, 7,630 Israelis arrived to receive the boost. This is the highest daily number of vaccinators in the third dose since the end of October. Since the beginning of the month, more than 98,000 Israelis have received the third dose of the vaccine.

Against the background of the spread of the virus – and the fear of a widespread wave of The omicron strain Members of the Corona Cabinet last night approved new restrictions on the education system. within The new curriculum, Which requires the approval of the Knesset Education Committee, in grades 7-12 in red and orange localities, no frontal studies will be held in classrooms where the vaccination rate is less than 70%, but in open space or online learning.

Frontal studies in grades 1-6 in red localities will only take place in grades where the proportion of students who have been vaccinated will be 70% or more. An earlier cabinet decision stated that the restriction to the lower classes would apply only three weeks after the directives went into effect. A student will be considered vaccinated even if he received only the first dose of the vaccine, and for 30 days receives the first dose of the vaccine.

Photo: ReutersTel Aviv School, Archive. New restrictions in the education system (Photo: Reuters)

The regulations will take effect on Monday, subject to the approval of the Education Committee – but the government has great concern that they will not have a majority due to the opposition of Education Minister Yifat Shasha Bitton and Justice Minister Gideon Saar, whose party member MK Sharan Hashakel is chairman. In last night’s telephone poll of Corona cabinet ministers, in which the decisions were approved, Saar and Shasha Bitton did not participate – but they opposed them at the last cabinet meeting.

These restrictions join other restrictions already approved by the government: alongside the obligation of isolation for returnees from abroad andSignificant expansion of the list of red states Prohibited from flying, the Corona Cabinet also ordered “Tightened” purple mark in the closed shopping complexes, According to the occupancy ratio of one person every 15 meters. A green label will apply to stores inside malls that are larger than 100 square meters.

Chairman of the IDF on the recommendation for a fourth vaccine: “It is not clear when it will be implemented” (Photo: GPO)

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett He said in closed talks that within a week to 10 days the spread of the Omicron strain in Israel will reach its peak. “Going to be a real prey“But it will be relatively short, we will be in insane numbers,” Bennett said. In these talks, the prime minister called for avoiding unnecessary restrictions, but did not completely rule out the possibility of a closure. The goal is to act with all our might so that there will be no closure, to do everything possible to avoid closure. “Let’s give a little now to avoid a disaster later.”
Against the background of the concern from the Omicron, this week the team approved for the treatment of epidemics (ZTM) Providing a fourth vaccine for those aged 60 and over and medical staff. Israel is the first in the world to move towards such a step, but it has not yet been finally approved by the Director General of the Ministry of Health, Prof. Nachman Ash. said On Tuesday in response to criticism of the move that the team was required to make a quick decision in light of the spread of the omicron: “The price is greater if not vaccinated.

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