A label with all the items in the pre-purim edition

by time news

Label’a is preparing very hard for Purim and has already prepared all the envelopes for the teachers who are waiting for it every moment. Anyone who hasn’t seen a conversation between teachers in a teacher’s room these days has not seen joy since his days. The main concern right now is how much is the highest amount that parents give on Purim; Some teachers will claim that the Sephardim give less, but it is a well-known fact that even the Habrach dolphins, especially the Jerusalemites, spend their money to spoil the quarter’s with the Haiders since the attitude is immediately different.

This week Leibel’a was surprised that here maybe the Lithuanian peace has already arrived and it turns out that the scholars are spreading peace in the world: in an ad in the newspaper ‘Yidd Na’aman’ of the Yeshiva on his grave that was established in honor of Maren Ha’Rael Steinman zt’al, Leibel’e saw that a donation was made ” Natziv Yom” for the upliftment of the soul of Maran Hagarsh Oyerbach zt’l, the author of “The Ways of Shmuel”. What was called was a great wonder.

In preparation for the first anniversary of the Torah Minister Maran HaRai Kanievsky zt’al, his eldest son HaRai Kanievsky set out on a strengthening trip in Mexico. In the photo that Laibel’s messenger was able to capture on his camera, the HaRai can be seen in a moment of coolness and enjoyment from the news of the students at the Keter Synagogue Torah’ of Mexico City.

At the Yeshiva ‘Nachlat HaLoim’ in Haifa, which is renovating the yeshiva’s Beit Midrash, they bought special chairs for the head of the yeshiva the gaon Rabbi Israel Meir Weiss and the gaon tzaddik overseer rabbi Uri Visblom. But they didn’t want to sit on luxurious and upholstered chairs and the director of the yeshiva had no choice but to store them in a warehouse for the benefit of the next generation.

Speaking of Krestyre, Laibel took off again this week to Krestyre where he saw at the airport in Hungary the editor of “Mishpa” Yossi Elitov who ended his thirties on his great father, the Hasidic genius Rabbi Shimon Elitov zt’l.

Sgara Shiki Mendel was met by Leybel at a morning prayer near Holy Zion in honor of his 36th birthday in Adar.

Whereas the mayor Elad Israel Parosh was seen by Leybel sitting and meditating in the Torah at the Pinter Synagogue in London.

And our man and the legal reformer who is not afraid of anyone – the chairman of the constitution committee MK Simcha Rothman (brother of the Grand Rabbin Rothman of Wolfson), was seen on Friday in Bordeaux in Romema after finishing all the discussions on Thursday standing in line as one of the people and purchasing products that make Shabbat happy.

The reporter for Jerusalem affairs at News 13 Yossi Eli pre-empted Purim by a few weeks and was seen with Spodik on one of the days.

Label’ opened the Lithuanian and Spanish Public Towns, which have recently been competing with each other in the titles of Meranim/the great and branching genius, and came out confused as to where to write and how to rank public figures.

While in the newspaper ‘Yeted Na’man’ today, Thursday, an ad was published in the name of the ‘Deat Aharon’ yeshiva (the new Kaplan) for the allocation they received when the mayor of Jerusalem Moshe Leon appears first, followed by Lazer Rauchberger and Israel Kellerman.

In Betown Shas HaDerech, a blessing was published by Aryeh Deri first, followed by Haim Cohen, Zvika Cohen and only at the end Moshe Leon, the favorite of the greats of Israel.

As a promise from last week, Label’ is covering the ultra-orthodox journalists’ trip to Ukraine: Label’ knows to say that before entering Zelensky’s bunker, the devices were not taken due to the high classification achieved by the president’s adviser on Jewish affairs, Rabbi Hillel Cohen.

An unpleasant incident was recorded on the third magnetometer in the palace where one of the senior journalists Yitzhak Horvitz (who no longer remembers where he writes) who also went out to the bombed Harson took out the protected ‘Nativ’ device and recorded a small message. In response, the security stopped and the Ukrainians feared that this was a spy. The label, which also did not bury its hand in the plate, recorded Horvitz deleting the photos with great sorrow and gloomy grief even though he had passport card insurance.

During the visit to the president’s adviser and number 2 in the palace, very difficult questions were asked from the desk in Israel. A label that asked the strong questions answered with answers that became headlines everywhere.

The legendary Yoalish Falzan from ‘Kol Maveshar’ brought a rattle from the USA to give to President Zelensky who promised to rattle the world with it during the reading of the scroll in the palace bunker in Ukraine.

Label’ knows how to tell that the curfew between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. in Ukraine made it difficult for the journalists who wanted to go for a short walk in Kiev, which has returned to normal, after all, who doesn’t come from Tel Aviv to Kiev to take a walk?

In the bombed-out Bocha, the journalists arrived under heavy security and stood to take pictures next to what was once a high-rise building full of tenants massacred by Putin.

The highlight was on Saturday night in the restored ancient synagogue of Baal Shem Tov, where the journalist priests Shlomo Kook and Yisrael Cohen held a redemption session and burst into a tumultuous dance.

Before the end of the journey, the journalists arrived back in Moldova, where before the flight, Laibel entered a restaurant that was koshered by the country’s rabbi, Rabbi Pinchas Zalman, and tasted some kinds of targima. Journalists Israel Cohen, Hanni Breitkopf and Iti Gedsi managed to get out.

The delegation’s photographer Yishai Yerushalmi, who spent hours getting a haircut and a special suit for the Holy Communion at the President’s house, took comfort in the photo with number 2 Michael Podliak.

In Poland, Laibel saw Rabbi Moiznitz as he left early in the morning on Saturday night at the end of the prestigious conference held for the members of the ‘House Builders’. The Rebbe was accompanied by the businessman Shlomo Weiss who works tirelessly for the establishment of the World Center.

Laibel this week also came to the Knesset where he saw in one of the well-known Knesset members’ offices a folding mattress for sleeping during the long voting nights.

Speaking of Yehuda Schlesinger, a week before the publicized confrontation with Haim Levinson, an ‘Israel Hayom’ journalist was seen napping in one of the Knesset committees. As usual, Yehuda laughed at himself about it.

At the meeting of the Torah Judaism faction, Label saw that they renewed themselves with a new and unified logo for a faction that is always closed to the media. Moshe Reber the Ralsh of Pindarus gave a job and placed the sign so that it would not fall.

Label’ also followed the Knesset committees closely this week and recorded just before the Labor and Welfare Committee convened under the chairmanship of MK Eichler a Chabad summit meeting with the participation of Chardi CEO Shay Czerbinski, Israel Hayom commentator Mati Tuchfeld and the chairman of the Chabad Youth Association Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Aharonov.

On the sidelines of the discussions on Miron in the Knesset’s Interior Committee, Libela saw Shmulik Piamante, one of the commanders of the Miron events, who also came to wish Chaim Rabinowitz the position in the Knesset management system.

Label’a sends congratulations to the most famous bereaved brother in the ultra-Orthodox sector – Israel Diskind on the occasion of his appointment as spokesman for the Minister of Heritage Amichai Eliyahu. Label’a wishes you good luck from the bottom of my heart.

Another new appointment this week: Shalom Eldad, the new Rabbi of Rabbi Israel Kellerman, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, was seen offering a prayer at the Western Wall on the occasion of his inauguration. Shalom Eldad, a bulldozer of action, served as the central corona projector of the Public Inquiries Bureau of the Degal Torah branch in Jerusalem and a public activist. Central to the ultra-orthodox community in Kiryat Yuval.

The legendary Aharon Lustig, from the Shin Bet Rebbe of Lalov, was seen by Label’ along with the legendary man of kindness, Hezchi Faksher, and director of customer relations at Bnei Brak General as they wait impatiently for the bus.

Speaking of Bnei Brak, Label’a this week entered ‘Broadway Style’, a prestigious Hasidic clothing center in the sector, where it saw one of the famous people buying a ‘bakiche’ for Purim. The label cannot publish the buyer, but the seller has agreed to reveal the bakiche to the label.

The most powerful clarinet player in the Jewish world today, “Balti the Great”, was seen by Label’a when he was modeling for a ‘luxurious’ center in Borough Park.

The most famous soldier Benny Rosenthal who defends the country returned from a vacation in France where he had to spend the Sabbath late. This week he returned to Israel and has already been recorded riding a scooter.

Label’a saw the great singer Lipa Schmelzer reinventing himself with an eyeglass collection at U-OPTIC 280 in Elad. Laibel followed closely with the binoculars and had already stopped counting because how many glasses did Lipa have.

On his way to the filming of the new music video with Ari Hill and Shia Gross, which will be released for Purim this year, the singer Yoali Klein was seen refueling his car, both for the new music video and in memory of the fire that burned down the Beit Midrash Satmer where he prayed.

At the Holocaust Museum in Florida, this week they held an event honoring Jewish organizations from around the world, where Israel was represented with honor by Prof. Yosef Peres, president of the organization ‘For You’, together with chairman Yossi Arablich, who after the event were given a personal guided tour by the director of the museum. Label’a documented the two on The lake of tears and the unique monument.

Label’a came to Tokyo to launch the new line and met there the ultra-orthodox tourism consultant Dodi Rubinstein in a selfie with Minister of Tourism Haim Katz. Label’ heard the minister whispering to Dodi “Maybe stop sending people abroad and start bringing people here…” Time will tell if Dodi responded to the request.

Rabbi Ariel Makhamanian and the young lawyer Roy Usdicher were seen in Hungary in Z. Adar Biarzeit of the Rebbe Makalib zt’al the head of the dynasty.

At seven blessings on Thursday in Migdal Ha’Emek, at Israel Deri, director of the holy places in the north, Laibel saw the head of the directorate of external relations in Chasidim Selanim, Rabbi Naftali Segal, and the head of the Be’er Hasabi organization, Dahisidi Selanim in Miron, Rabbi Yishkar Reich, who came to wish mezal tov.

The wedding of the son of Yosef Haim Tseller from the Rebbe of Sadigura was difficult for Laibel’a to miss: upon entering the hall, Laibel’a noticed the Belzai businessman Yehoshua Weinberger in conversation with Moti Cohen from Medani Zehava. Laibel’a modestly inclined his ear and heard the content of the conversation that revolved around my interests Special fish for Purim from Beit Zehava.

Inside the hall, Laibel met Governor Reuven Tzviali, blessed from the legendary “Hoyz Buchur” of Vizhnitz Yosef Shimon Shechter. The one seen on the sides of the picture is Shimi Wichelder, one of the most important businessmen in Strykov and the Hasidic world.

At the wedding celebration for the only daughter of Rabbi Pinchas Pamp Medinov in Poland, held in Beit Shemesh, many guests from Poland also arrived, including Adam Panzau from the head of the gas company of Poland, who stood together with all the Streimelch.

At the wedding Rabbi Pinchas burst into a stormy dance with the undisputed Dinov speaker Mathes Korman.

Minister Michael Malchiali came this week to visit the ‘Dorot’ Institute in Bnei Brak, the leading institute in fertility matters. The minister was very impressed by the institute, which follows the rulings of Maran Gra’a Yosef ztzel.

At nightfall in Bnei Brak, Rabbi Shimon Ezarzer, one of the top registrars of the Sephardic Torah world, was seen in conversation with a close associate of Israel’s greatest Rabbi Yehuda Hazan. Laibla’ got into the secret of the meeting and discovered that earlier all the heads of the small Yeshivas in Bnei Brak had gathered in the same place in preparation for a big news for the Spanish public. The label promises to update later with more details.

For the weekly happiness and good luck corner

A Mazal Tov blessing to the Rabbi of Satmar Rabbi Chaim Shlomo Fisher on the occasion of the happy engagement of his daughter at a good time.

A double congratulatory blessing to the journalist Schneor Weber, editor of the “Merkaz Ha-Zarihan” newspaper, on the occasion of the joy of the birth of twins, a boy and a girl, at a good and auspicious time, just before the closing of the issue last Sunday so that the covenant will also be just before closing.

A Mazal Tov greeting to journalist Menachem Koldatsky, editor of the Hamadh website, on the occasion of the happy Bar Mitzvah for his great son. The celebration will take place tonight at Modi’in Ilit with the participation of the top media and many public figures. The label is already waiting for coverage next week.

A congratulatory greeting to the businessman Yaakov Bibla, the owner of the “Books of Or Life” on the occasion of his betrothal to the important guy Zvika Abuwitz from Haifa.

Happy birthday to Hichiel Esterzon from Inside managers in Jerusalem on the occasion of the birth of the eldest son.

A happy blessing to the important guy Moshe Aryeh Krois (Shafilah Pekel’a in the Kiddush music video), the well-known sound man who got engaged this week at a good and successful time to the joyful sound of thousands of Aharon followers.

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