A large swarm of bees forces the Comacros-Tordera to be suspended

by time news

One happened last Sunday unusual image in the municipal field Les Guixeres del Comacros (Salt). A a large swarm of bees burst in at the start of the Salta match against Torderawho are fighting in the phase for the permanence of Segona Catalana, and forced him to suspend. “I started running to press and suddenly a pile of bees came at us. We asked the referee to stop the match but he did not do it and the play ended with a goal from Comacros (Mahmadou Sawaneg in the 2nd minute). Since they didn’t leave, we all had to crouch on the ground and get out of there as best we could. They even reached the sidewalks and the press area. In the end, it had to be suspended “, explains the Tordera midfielder, Josep Maria Majó. The white man was the first to be surprised by the bees, but, unlike his companion Giovanni Ferniu – he was not the only one – who was pinched in the ear, he was able to dodge them and cover himself with concentration of these insects.

* In this video of the broadcast of Ràdio Tordera you can see the invasion of bees from minute 19:50.

The swarm of bees came out of an abandoned place which is next to the municipal Les Guixeres and invaded the playing field. Considering that the 5th minute of the match had not even arrived, a member of the Comacros opened the sprinklers to try to scare them away and leave, but the effect of the water was quite the opposite and they decided to stay. if. They also tried to hunt down the “queen.” After more than half an hour without finding the solution for the bees to leave, Referee Adam Porxas decided to postpone the match. Consequently, a new date will have to be found to retrieve it.

Comacros is in the 1.3 group for permanence and has a very difficult continuity in the category, while Tordera, third, faced a key duel for salvation.

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