A lawyer is tried for revealing secrets and two men are tried for damaging 24 cars in one night

by time news

2023-11-11 23:05:38

València, Nov 11 (EFE).- The different criminal sections of the Provincial Court of Valencia have scheduled several trials for next week, among them that of a lawyer accused of acting against her former clients and the trial against two men who robbed in 24 cars in a single night in Sagunto.

On Monday, in the First Section, the trial has been scheduled for a lawyer and tax advisor accused of a crime of revealing secrets for using information obtained during her work to act against clients when they stopped being clients.

The defendant was for seventeen years the tax and accounting advisor and the lawyer in civil matters for a couple that managed several education and teaching centers.

The Prosecutor’s Office maintains that on May 30, 2018, the lawyer stopped advising them and, from that moment, acted against the interests of her former clients and used professional information that she had learned through the performance of her position, to file complaints about irregularities in the school centers and their accounting before entities such as the Tax Agency, the Labor Inspection or Social Security.

The Public Ministry is asking for two years in prison, a fine of 54,000 euros and special disqualification from the profession of lawyer and tax advisor for three years.

On Thursday, in the Fifth Section, the case of two men accused of breaking the windows and stealing from 24 vehicles during the night of March 7, 2017 in Sagunto will be heard.

The Prosecutor’s Office maintains that, around four in the morning, the defendants entered the garage of a property where they attacked twelve cars, taking different objects that were inside.

The defendants would have repeated the same behavior in another private parking lot, where they violated eleven vehicles, and with a last vehicle parked on a street.

The public prosecution considers them perpetrators of a continuing crime of robbery with force and requests four and a half years in prison for each of the defendants.

On the other hand, two trials for sexual assaults will also be held, the first on Monday in the Fifth Section and the second on Tuesday in the First Section.

In the first of them, the prosecutor will request nine years in prison for a crime of sexual assault for a man accused of raping a young woman, who was 20 years old at the time of the events.

The attack happened on March 16, 2021 when the defendant and the victim met in a park in Valencia. According to the public accusation, the defendant took advantage of the victim’s state of intoxication to convince her to accompany him to her house.

Once in the house, he allegedly forced himself sexually on the woman, who could not offer resistance due to the intimidating climate created by the defendant.

In the second of these trials for sexual crimes, the prosecutor will request fourteen years and seven months in prison for a continuous crime of sexual assault and another of abuse in the family – with the aggravating circumstances of kinship and gender contempt – for a young man, 20 years old at the time of the events, accused of forcing his partner, 15, to have sexual relations through the use of force.

The events occurred during 2019 when the defendant slapped the minor and hit her legs. The Public Ministry adds that from May to August, the defendant forced the victim to have sexual relations despite the opposition of the minor, whom he hit to break her will.

Apart from these processes, on Tuesday in the Sección Segunda a trial has been scheduled against a father and his daughter, managers of a company in Vila-real (Castellón) dedicated to the wholesale trade of fruits and vegetables, accused of buying oranges to owners of fields in Olocau, Llíria, Museros, El Puig, La Pobla de Vallbona, Albalat, Valencia and Foios, without paying the price set in the respective contracts.

The events occurred between the months of March and May 2014, when the defendants did not fertilize the citrus fruits that they did remove from the trees. The value of what was defrauded was 77,000 euros, for which the Prosecutor’s Office requests a four-year prison sentence for each of the defendants for the crime of fraud.

On Wednesday, in the Fifth Section, a man accused of publishing three videos on YouTube in which, speaking on camera, he addressed women with humiliating messages and blamed them if they were victims of possible sexual abuse will be tried.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office is asking for two years in prison and a fine of 3,600 euros for a crime committed during the exercise of fundamental rights and public freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

Finally, on Thursday, in the Fourth Section, the Prosecutor’s Office will demand a six-year sentence for a man and a woman who beat a third party to steal his mobile phone on December 15, 2018 in Xàtiva. EFE


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