A listless comeback for pineapple

by time news

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Since the start of the school year, pineapple has been less popular on the European market. Demand is down and prices are inevitably affected.

The weeks go by and the observation is the same: the demand for pineapples is increasingly “sluggish” on the European market. The FruiTrop economic study unit confirms that the situation deteriorated after returning from vacation. Back to school clearly did not rhyme with pineapples this year and Europeans’ lack of appetite for pineapples is not enough to absorb the supply – provided mainly by Costa Rica – which is not however excessive.

«The maritime market which was rather stable tends to plungesums up Thierry Paqui, expert in the sector and consultant for FruiTrop. Result, to empty their stock, the operators played on the prices. For four weeks, they have been falling and are hovering around 6-8 euros per 12 kg package – on the spot market, for immediate delivery –, after peaking at 12 euros this year.

Freight costs weighed on demand

Demand has not only fallen on the maritime market. Air travel, which constitutes less than 2% of the market, is also affected. The pineapple which travels by air, normally more expensive than that which leaves by boat, has suffered badly from the surge in freight costs.

Importers were forced to pass on the increase to the fruits. However, not all varieties can withstand being sold at a higher price. The Sugarloaf variety, conical in shape, more popular, and moreconstant in terms of quality, that the Cayenne does best.

Another niche market that has had to adapt to the economic situation: that of the Victoria pineapple. Faced with a shortage of supply from Reunion and Mauritius, the South African Victoria made a remarkable breakthrough on the European market.

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