A Lithuanian-speaking robot is just the beginning

by times news cr

2024-07-29 17:12:49

Investments in disease prevention

In two years, the Lithuanian start-up Zive has developed a remote heart activity monitoring system that helps to monitor human heart activity at home or in a medical facility. Designed by Zive, the device is lightweight and easy to use at home. When connected to a smartphone or tablet, the app displays detailed heart activity data in real time. Regular heart monitoring helps prevent heart attack, stroke or other heart diseases.

Zive technology manager Ignas Griškevičius commented that, as his practice has shown, when undertaking an important but risky project, the support of the European Union is extremely valuable. After several years of intensive work, the product created by the Zive team is already on the market, it can be purchased online, and soon it will be used in some Lithuanian hospitals and private institutions.

As I. Griškevičius said, there are people in his close environment who are dealing with heart problems, so a device that can help monitor heart activity at home is especially relevant for them. The device is easy to use for the elderly, and the results can be conveniently discussed with the doctor over the phone.

A small electrocardiogram device – certified with the CE mark, which confirms that it meets the safety, health and environmental protection requirements of the European Union. Products marked with this mark can be sold throughout the European Union.

Lithuanian language – for smart technologies

Can a computer or smartphone speak and understand Lithuanian? The answer of Lithuanian scientists is yes. The main goal of the project “Development of services managed by Lithuanian language – LIEPA 2” is to increase the availability of digital products and services operating in the Lithuanian language.

In two years, more than 70 Lithuanian scientists have created the largest available so far 1000 hours of Lithuanian speech, which is used to train artificial intelligence so that it not only understands the Lithuanian language, but also speaks Lithuanian. About 2.5 thousand are recorded in the speaker. Lithuanian voices. By the way, most synthesizers or speech recognizers developed by other teams also use the loudspeaker developed during the LIEPA-2 project. The speaker is available free of charge to anyone. Although this speaker is the most complete so far, the LIEPA-3 project will start soon, during which a team of scientists will create 10 thousand. hours of Lithuanian conversation. The project will also be financed by the European Union.

During the LIEPA-2 project, the team also created the world’s first Lithuanian-speaking and Lithuanian-understanding robot-humanoid Ėuola, which is introduced to schoolchildren and everyone interested in technology and the Lithuanian language. The project also created a Lithuanian speech synthesizer for the blind and a Lithuanian speech recognizer for mobile devices.

The research team has no doubt that the Lithuanian language will be able to be used in information technologies in the future in the same way as other languages.

“When we started working with speech technology many years ago, it was important for us to understand what a personal computer was saying, even though its voice was unclear, difficult to understand. Once we started to understand what the computer was saying, it seemed like a huge achievement, but then we wanted to do even more to make the computer’s voice more human-like. Even later – to correct flaws such as mistakes in emphasis, intonation, etc. There are no limits to perfection, so our work does not end,” commented Gediminas Navickas, a researcher at the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies of the VU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.

The solution became a unique product for one company

Production line, a company founded in Lithuania a few years ago, whose field of activity is design, manufacture and installation of aluminum structures, turns the most unexpected and inventive architectural solutions into reality. One of the customers of this company, a manufacturer of solar modules, wanted a non-standard solution – to install the solar power plant not on the roof, as usual, but on the facade of the building.

The company designed and implemented an original engineering solution in a very short time, which it decided to turn into a product that allows for a much wider application of solar power plants and expands the possibilities of using green energy for commercial and private users. The company “Production line” received a “Startuok” loan from the company “Investicių ir verslo garantijos” (INVEGA), financed by the funds of the European Regional Development Fund, which enabled the original engineering solution to be turned into a product – alternative solar module installation systems. These systems not only open up wide possibilities for exclusive architectural and sustainable energy solutions, but also allow modern renovation of their facades when renovating old buildings.

As Giedrė Getiauskienė, director of INVEGA’s Customer Service Department, commented, INVEGA has many financing tools for the development of innovations and, of course, supports their creation and implementation in various business enterprises – both in industrial and manufacturing companies developing production activities, as well as in the service sector.

Recently, the “Milijardo verslui” program was launched, most of which is dedicated to the development of innovative projects – from energy independence to the financing of security and defense innovations. Funds for it have been reserved in a few weeks, and a list of pending projects is currently being drawn up.

“When it comes to the creation of products and services that do not yet exist in the market, and which is essentially considered a real innovation, INVEGA finances various startups through venture capital funds, innovations created in the medical, biotechnology, financial market and other areas. Innovations are associated with greater business risk, so banks are not inclined to finance such projects. Our mission is to help companies that seek to create or are already creating, implement innovations, and they lack additional funding for successful development,” commented the interviewer.

The company “Production line” is one of the examples of such companies, when INVEGA assumed part of the risk and allocated financing to a young, energetic company – in this case, 200 thousand was granted. soft loan “Startuok”

“Innovative energy solutions are relevant for many business companies, so we have no doubt that the company will find its niche and customers.” We consider supporting innovative company projects to be one of INVEGA’s important goals, because only in this way will we successfully participate in the competitive struggle and be able to further grow the country’s economy and be visible in European and global markets. Innovations not only help the company to develop and grow, manage its costs more efficiently and expect better financial results in the long run, but can also contribute to the solution of current problems, such as medicine, security and defense or energy. Studies show that high added value, innovative companies create the largest share of GDP”, explained Giedrė Getiauskienė.

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2024-07-29 17:12:49

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