A lot of class in Vallobin – New Spain

by time news

The presence in the Financial Union of Nacho Huerta (Oviedo, 1989), veteran captain of the team, was one of the reasons that pushed Raúl Blanco (Gijón, 1996) to accept the proposal of the Oviedo club and return to Asturias after six years competing outside. Despite the age difference between the two, they have always had a very good relationship since they coincided in the second year of the Juanfersa in Asobal. They share a passion for handball, the same professional vocation, teaching (Nacho already has the place, Raúl prepares the oppositions) and now objective: to secure the permanence of the Unión Financiera Base Oviedo in Plata, the second category.

“Unfortunately, that year at Juanfersa was the only one we played together. Then he went to Ademar and I stayed. He’s a great guy, he’s always in a good mood and it’s nice to have someone involved and to help you” , points out Raúl Blanco, a winger from Gijón who comes from Caserío Ciudad Real. Nacho Huerta points out: “We follow similar sporting and professional paths and I like to see how he has improved since we shared a dressing room. He is a humble and hard-working guy with a great future.”

Still within the first fortnight of July, Raúl Blanco became the first reinforcement of the Base in his exciting project in the Silver Division of Honor. “Coming back home is a joy after years of going around, I’ve come to show that we can play in this category.” After years of constant diaspora of the best values ​​of Asturian handball, the presence of a representative of the region in the second division can change the dynamic. “That helps, without a doubt”, emphasizes Raúl, who acknowledges that “handball is in a precarious situation and it is difficult to combine sport with studies or other jobs; getting that in Asturias is a point in favor”.

The sporting challenge is not small, in part because of the devilish competition system, inherited from the pandemic. There are 18 teams in the category and they will drop down to five, with the aim of reducing it to 16 for next campaign. In the middle of the campaign, the teams will be divided into a promotion group and a relegation group, dragging the results obtained in the first phase before your fellow travelers. That is why the triumph of the Oviedo team on the opening day against Ikasa Boadilla was so important. “This leads to all the games being finals, they are decisive points. It was very important to start winning at home and against another recently promoted player”, analyzes Blanco, grateful for the good atmosphere that was experienced in the Vallobín sports center: “the public responded well , the stands are close and there was a festive atmosphere due to the fact that it was San Mateo, there was more emotion and desire”.

The objective of the Financial Union is clear: to consolidate itself with the help of Ricardo Margareto in a category with increasing demands. Raul Blanco’s? “My goal is always to contribute as much as possible to the team, to be one more. I will contribute my experience and all my game for the global goal. The better the club does, the better the player does”.

Raúl Blanco’s experience is not insignificant in a squad in which many of its players have never scored so high. “There are several of us who can contribute it, it is crucial to have people who know the category.”

The debut of Lobas en Oro will have to wait

Despite the acceleration in the preparation that Lobas Global Atac Oviedo had made in order to start the competition at a good level, the long-awaited debut in the Gold Honor Division, the second category of Spanish handball will have to wait. The Spanish Federation has responded to the request of its rival, Morvedre, to postpone the clash of the first day, originally set for October 1. The reason alleged by the Valencian entity is the call of one of its players, Shandy Barbosa, with the Spanish team, which is concentrated between September 26 and October 2. The match does not yet have a new date and both teams have a week to set it.

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