a lot of housing affected but little work

by time news

“We have succeeded in massiveizing energy renovation”, welcomed Emmanuelle Wargon, the Minister of Housing and representative of presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, interviewed on March 9 by housing stakeholders including the Social Union for Housing which brings together social landlords, the French Building Federation , the Association of Elected Officials in Urban France and the Abbé Pierre Foundation.

The National Housing Agency (ANAH), responsible for distributing MaPrimeRénov, granted 701,190 grants in 2021 for an amount of 2.8 billion euros, i.e. three times more than in 2020 and than with the energy transition tax credit (CITE), abolished and replaced, on 1is January 2020, by MaPrimRénov’.

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Such a success demonstrates that the objective of 700,000 renovations per year promised by the candidate Emmanuel Macron is therefore achievable and credible. Another reason for satisfaction, this bonus benefits 68% of low-income and very low-income households who have received an average of 3,905 euros, 30% of assisted households have intermediate incomes, and receive an average bonus of 1,760 euros, and only 2% have higher incomes and are supported up to 1,068 euros. MaPrimeRénov’, initially reserved for low-income households, was extended on January 1, 2021 to all households regardless of their income, as well as to landlords who were thus able to improve 101,718 apartments. This targeting of the poorest people contrasts with that of the CITE, where 82% of the amounts went to the wealthiest 50%.

“MaPrimeRénov’ has clearly moved the lines of energy renovation”confirms Manuel Domergue, in charge of research at the Abbé Pierre Foundation, who nevertheless regrets “that the subsidized work boils down to small gestures, changing the boiler or installing double glazing, to the detriment of more ambitious and effective interventions. The rest to be paid for is, moreover, still too heavy for the inhabitants with modest resources to embark on renovations which easily cost 20,000 to 30,000 euros”he believes.

The crucial issue of thermal colanders

The ANAH confirms that 70% of the work supported consists of changing heating, pellet stoves and boilers, heat pumps, etc. According to surveys carried out among the 350,000 beneficiaries whose work has been completed, 66% of them indicate that this boost was decisive for initiating improvements and 95% are satisfied and perceive better comfort. But it is too early to measure the energy gains.

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