2024-04-13 05:41:50
He criticized military exercises in the Baltic states and the deployment of additional NATO units in Belarus‘ neighboring states.
“Americans and Germans were deployed, which is surprising – they did not learn the lesson,” A. Lukashenka said. He was probably referring to World War II, when the German Wehrmacht invaded the Soviet Union. Due to the large military presence of NATO, Belarus is forced to strengthen its units near the border, according to A. Lukashenka. “However, we are not going to fight anywhere,” he emphasized.
Both V. Putin and A. Lukashenko denied that they intend to attack European countries. Relations between Ukraine“>Russia and Belarus with the West are strained. The reason for this is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Moscow units also used the territory of Belarus during the invasion more than two years ago. Until entering Ukraine, Moscow then denied the offensive plans and called it a “provocation” by the West.
In the meeting with A. Lukashenka, Russian leader V. Putin criticized the peace conference planned in Switzerland. Russia is not invited there, even though it is recognized that nothing can be decided without Moscow, V. Putin said, as quoted by the Interfax agency. “And since we won’t go there, they say we’re rejecting negotiations.” It’s a real panopticism,” the Kremlin host gestured.
However, on Wednesday, the Russian ambassador in Bern stated that Russia would not participate in the meeting even if invited.
2024-04-13 05:41:50