a manifesto for the right to remain in the South – time.news

by time news

2023-08-21 15:37:19


On 23 and 24 August a festival in Sicily directed by Carmelo Traina with discussion tables between young people, institutions, companies operating in the area, concerts and meetings. And the idea of ​​creating a study centre

A manifesto will also be created, as well as a study center, from the review dedicated to the right to work and study in the South, entitled This is my land and I defend it. Festival for the right to stay which will take place on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th August in Campobello di Licata (Agrigento), and which will be presented on Monday 21st in Agrigento, at Spazio Temenos. The festival, with the artistic direction of Carmelo Traina, bears the title of the blog My land I defend, created by Giuseppe Gatì, born in Campobello di Licata in 1986, who decided to stay in his land, and died on the job in 2009. The blog conveyed a message — Traina explained to Corriere in the August 10 article announcing the festival: “Why do I have to leave the South, when poverty was brought by others, the mafia and the underworld?”. The review will dedicate the first of two days, Wednesday 23, to discussion tables between young people, institutions, associations and companies operating in the South, with about 250 people, on the themes of the festival, namely rights, education and work. From there the proposals will arise.

«The manifesto for the right to stay – explains Gaetano Gatì, cousin of Giuseppe and one of the organizers of the discussion – will be the result of the thematic tables: a final synthesis in which to insert a sort of handbook created from below, with the elements indicated by the participants as essential to define the right to remain. It will be a free discussion, but I am thinking of elements such as the right to a decent job, or an education of excellence in the area (the festival has an academic partnership with the Lumsa University, Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta) or the possibility of create technological poles”. The day, from 18 to 23, will be divided into the presentation of concrete cases and examples (among the speeches: How the Kolymbetra Valley was born from a landfill, with Giuseppe Lo Pilato, and The baker in Sicily in 2023: it can be done ?, with Rosario Pendolino) to conclude with the discussion.

Once completed, the manifesto for the right to stay will be sent to all mayors in Sicily. The round tables will also offer the first ideas for the creation of the Giuseppe Gatì Study Center, which intends to spread the “culture of staying” through research, sharing of experiences and the promotion of innovative projects, in a Region which from 2012 to 2021, the organizers recall of the festival, saw almost 200,000 inhabitants leave. Gaetano Gatì, who is the manager of a pharmaceutical company in Rome and among those who have left the South, concludes: «The problem is being able to create the “conditions for”. To stay, to be able to realize. Now the young people are forced to leave, they have no choice”.

After the first day dedicated to “building”, as the program announces, Thursday 24, from 7 pm, the festival will continue with the day of “celebrating”, a street party with testimonies alternating with musical performances. Speeches by Ismaele La Vardera, vice president of the anti-mafia commission, Antonio Pitruzzella, mayor of Campobello di Licata and Giacomo Gatì, Giuseppe’s father will open; following the meeting Malafimmina is chidda ca parra, with the Mala Fimmina association, the intervention of the singer from Catania (transferred to Turin) Anna Castiglia, the stories of the journalist Gaetano Savatteri and the cultural entrepreneur Tiziano Di Cara, and the music by Tony Canto, Eugenio Cesaro and Lello Analfino.

August 21, 2023 (change August 21, 2023 | 3:40 pm)

#manifesto #remain #South #time.news

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