A map of the distribution of ticks in France

by time news

Several factors condition the presence of ticks on the territory. To help with prevention, researchers have combined this data to determine a way to map the distribution of these formidable insects according to the weather in France.

Climate, soil, hosts, altitude: factors to consider

Some ticks, such as ixodes ricinus, do not tolerate dry environments well. Their preferred soil will therefore be moist and vegetated. To feed themselves, they will also need to have hosts available; it is therefore also a key factor in their presence. In hunting areas, for example, the presence of deer will indicate their presence as well. Finally, the last factor to take into account is the altitude, which does not favor the development of ticks. From this data, a map was developed by INRAe researchers, with the aim of directing and targeting vigilance messages at the level of the territories most at risk of exposure, intended for users in areas natural (hikers, hunters, tourists, etc.) A model has been established to be able to make forecasts based on these changing factors depending on the weather.

Areas in France more prone to ticks

“The researchers notice a greater development of ticks in the center, north-east and south-west of France, while the least favorable habitats are in the Mediterranean and high mountain regions”, details the press release from Inrae. The distribution of ticks also depends on the seasons. Thanks to the model developed, the researchers will be able to predict the times most at risk depending on the seasons and the weather in mainland France. This tool will complement the reporting tool, which allows walkers and other nature users to communicate the presence of ticks on the territory.

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