A memorial park was inaugurated, which is a bridge between the past and the future

by time news

Over the years, not only nature shaped the lovely settlement on the Danube, but also the perseverance and love of the people, who worked for generations so that Kulcs became independent and continuously developed. Thus, the handing over of the park is an important part of the celebration of the village becoming independent, as it is one of the most important historical events of the settlement in connection with the 30th anniversary. As mayor Gyula Jobb said in his words of praise: “The Büzzkeségséink Emlékpark is not just another community space, but also a place to remember our past, appreciate our present and express our hopes for the future.”

The relief of Kornél Oberrecht was the first to be inaugurated in the Kulcs Büzkeséségei Memorial Park. Whose name is intertwined with the history of Kulcs, as he left a deep mark on the life of the settlement not only as a conscientious veterinarian, but also as a committed public figure. In his commemorative speech, the mayor emphasized that Oberrecht Kornél had always worked with faith and perseverance to make this community independent and successful.”

Photo: Enikő Szabóné Zsedrovits / Source: duol.hu

Afterwards, Ibolya Deák shared her thoughts on behalf of the Kulcsi Friends’ Circle, which sensitively recalled the key moments in the life of Kornél Oberrecht. The young veterinarian who dedicatedly walked the streets of the village while getting to know the daily problems of the residents and laid the foundation stones for the future development of the settlement came to life in his words.

Gabriella Oberrecht also spoke on behalf of the family, reminding us how deeply a person’s life and work can influence the fate of a community. With heartfelt words, he recalled his father’s memory and expressed his gratitude that his work is preserved in such a worthy place, in the Memorial Park.

After the speeches, the park was handed over, and the highlight of the ceremony was the unveiling of the bas-relief, which captured the hearts of those present in no time. The newly created park became a symbol of both respect for the past and hopes for the future.

A memorial park was inaugurated, which is a bridge between the past and the future
Photo: Enikő Szabóné Zsedrovits / Source: duol.hu

As the mayor emphasized, “the Memorial Park is now a place where we can all stop for a moment to remember those who went before us and to whom we owe everything we live in today.” With this step, the community of Kulcs has shown again that it values ​​its history, appreciates its present, and trusts in its future,” emphasized the mayor. Finally, those present also placed the commemorative wreath.

2024-08-22 13:15:08

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