A meteorite that fell in Morocco is the subject of a new study on life on Mars… Morocco

by time news

Arab News Press B.. Kish 24 saw a meteorite that fell in Morocco, the subject of a new study on life on Mars, and now see the details.

An international team of researchers, led by the Technical University of Munich and the Carnegie Institution for Science, recently published a new study on the Tissint meteorite that fell in Morocco in July 2011, which should provide answers about whether or not there is life on Mars.

The studies conducted on “Tissent”, which is one of the only five Martian meteorites that were sampled during its fall on Earth, allow us to understand whether Mars has witnessed a form of life in the past, in addition to in-depth understanding of the geological history of the planet.

In this context, researcher Schmitt Kopelin said: “Mars and Earth share many aspects of their development,” explaining that “while life appeared and flourished on our planet, the question of whether it existed on Mars is a subject of very in-depth research that requires deeper knowledge of water, organic molecules, and surfaces.” Interactivity of our Neighboring Planet”.

The researchers’ efforts have yielded the most comprehensive list ever completed of the diversity of organic compounds found in a Martian meteorite or in a sample collected and analyzed by a rover.

This research reveals how the Martian crust evolved, particularly with regard to organic matter resulting from the interaction between water and rock.

Among the distinguishing things that were observed in the “Tissent” meteorite is an abundance of organic magnesium compounds, as “these compounds can shed light on the high-pressure and high-temperature geochemistry that formed the deep interior of Mars,” according to the study.

The researchers believe that the samples that will be obtained from the Red Planet through future missions will provide an unprecedented amount of information about the formation, stability and dynamics of organic compounds in real Martian environments.

The Tissint meteorite, which was seen falling last July in the Moroccan desert in an area close to a village bearing its name, received great attention and admiration in view of its rare scientific value, before it was eventually acquired by the Museum of Natural History in London, according to the New York newspaper. Times”.

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Watching a meteorite fall in Morocco is the subject of a new study on life on Mars

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