A mini computer for Linux between NIS 500 and 750 including everything…. What will fit? Intended for surfing the net – advice before buying a computer

by time news

A mini computer for Linux between NIS 500 and 700 including everything…. What will fit?

Designed for web surfing

Possible from Amazon or another store in the sand as long as it is not complicated to bring

1. What is the maximum budget? Is an exception possible if necessary? I answered

2. What are the uses of the computer (games, graphic editing, office work, HD content for example), is there a specific example of a game or software? I answered

3. Is the peripheral equipment necessary in addition to the computer (for example: keyboard, mouse, speakers and screen)? No

4. Is there a basic component that does not need to be included in the specification? (For a Dodge SSD drive that already exists and can be attached to the assembly) No. Need everything not including storage expansion

5. How important is quiet computer operation? Better to be completely quiet if recommended

6. Is there a limitation or preference for the physical size of the computer and its weight, lights, etc.? Not really

7. Is it necessary to include an operating system/office (if so it is advisable to specify a preferred version) and/or to assemble a computer in the store? No

8. Is there a preference to purchase the computer from a specific store? If not, you can also specify a residential area. I answered

9. When is the planned purchase of the computer (it is highly desirable to ask for a specific date shortly after the purchase)? soon

10. Are there any special requests regarding ports and connections (eg USB Type-C or FireWire) or overclocking? No

11. Is there any existing peripheral equipment that will be connected? If so, which one? (docking station if laptops one screen or another) KVM

12. Additional comments, extended detail and variations:

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