A mystery in Likud: Where did the Knesset member go? Does not answer calls and messages

by time news

There is an uproar in the Likud over the disappearance of Knesset member Dani Danon from the Knesset votes, despite the clear instruction that there are no offsets until the government is formed. After hours, Danon responded on Twitter and was attacked by his party friend Yoav Kish:You are not offset and any other statement is a lie. Come to the Knesset now”

An event unfolds in Likud around one member of the Knesset. This is the former Minister of Science, the former Israeli ambassador to the UN, Knesset member Dani Danon, who decided on his own not to attend the Knesset votes, despite the clear instruction that there are no offsets and attendance at the votes is mandatory.

Danon was not at the polls since this morning, he cut off contact and does not answer phones and messages on behalf of the faction. Danon’s environment claimed that it was offset and informed the relevant parties. But Likud responded that they do not know such an offset. There were also those who estimated that Danon was disappointed that he would not be finally appointed to the position of Speaker of the Knesset and it is possible that he would not even serve as a minister and therefore chose to make a decision for himself.

Danny Danon this week in the Knesset with David Bitan Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90.

After many hours he and the people of his office did not respond to messages and phone calls, MK Danny Danon tweeted and wrote: “I suggest everyone to relax. Just like other members of the Likud and other parties who got upset today and yesterday, I also got upset today. Anyone who tries to flatter, argue and make headlines is recommended to drink a glass of water and calm down.”

MK Yoav Kish of the Likud, who was appointed to be responsible for the current legislative procedures in preparation for the formation of the government, was outraged by this and also responded to him on Twitter: “Danny Danon, I understand that you chose to hold a discussion on Twitter. You know there are no offsets today. You chose not to answer calls and messages from me and faction workers. You are not offset and any other statement is a lie. Come to the Knesset now. In my estimation, the vote will be in another three hours. If you are thirsty, drink water on the way.”

MK Yoav Kish continued and attacked: “The entire coalition here, including Prime Minister Netanyahu. Not an easy evening with a filibuster of the future opposition. I understood that you chose to spend time abroad instead of being in the Knesset. I’m sorry it was your choice. Have a blessed Sabbath.”

MK Yoav Kish | Photo: Noam Moshkowitz, spokeswoman for the Knesset.

Earlier today it was reported that MK Kish sent a message in the group of the organizing committee and deleted: “I ask everyone who has contact with MK Danny Danon to try to convince him to come to the Knesset. Danon chose to ignore many conversations and many messages from faction workers and does not come to the vote. Sorry I am very grateful for his conduct.”

According to the journalist Amit Segal, Danny Danon made off with MK Sharan Hashakal from Gideon Sa’ar’s party without informing him. Likud is trying to find out if he is abroad in exactly the most critical week for the emerging coalition.

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