A NapoliCittàBook Off Manila Nazzaro with Zurzolo and Marina Confalone

by time news

NoonOctober 17, 2022 – 4:08 pm

Pasolini and Ezio Gavazzeni’s “La fury of men” follow

from Online editing

In October, NapoliCittLibro OFF, a permanent event dedicated to books and publishing, conceived and organized by the Liber @ Arte association and sponsored by the Municipality of Naples and the Naples Chamber of Commerce, offers three events.

On Tuesday 18 October, at 5.30 pm, the Sala delle Grida of the Naples Chamber of Commerce, in Piazza Bovio 32, hosts the presentation of the book “Pink Belt of Survival” (Rogiosi Editore) by Manila Nazzaro, who will be interviewed by the journalist Gennaro Marco Duello. An autobiography, delivered to the publishing house before entering the house of the GF Vip, which was born from the need to give strength and courage to all the women who, suddenly, found themselves catapulted into a life full of shadows and loneliness, broken by an excruciating pain that returns to their darkest nightmares. “Pink Belt of Survival” offers the reader a tale of life in Manila, in which he does not spare himself and from which comes a fresco made of great joys and great sorrows; of successes and defeats; of values ​​and love. The purchase of the book supports the Umberto Veronesi Foundation – for the advancement of science. The event organized by Rogiosi, Chamber of Commerce of Naples and Pink Life Magazine in collaboration with NapoliCittLibro.

Friday 21 October, at 6.30 pm, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Pier Paolo Pasolini, the Lapis Museum. Naples Water Museum (Piazzetta Pietrasanta 17) hosts the event “Pasolini and the double: the man and the artist” with the presentation of the XII issue of the Ahab magazine dedicated to the Roman intellectual and artist. A special issue attended by over 30 authors, poets and illustrators, including Filippo La Porta, Ascanio Celestini, Erri de Luca and Carmelo Musumeci, each with a testimony, a memory, a thought, an observation on Pasolini. A sort of open world on the brilliant and multiple Pasolini art. Matteo Giusti, Gianfranco Pannone, Alexandro Sabetti, Giuliana Vitali, Nando Vitali and Alessandro Polidoro will speak. Greetings from Raffaele Iovine. Musical performance by Marco Zurzulo. Readings by the actress Marina Confalone. The event organized by NapoliCittLibro, Achab Magazine and Lapis Museum.

On Tuesday 25 October, at 6.00 pm, the Mezzogiorno Europa Foundation (Palazzo Reale, Piazza Plebiscito, 1) hosts the presentation of the book “The fury of men” (Mursia Editore) by Ezio Gavazzeni. With the author there will be the journalist and writer Vincenza Alfano, the magistrate Nicola Graziano and the colonel of the Carabinieri Claudio Mazzarese Fardella Mungivera. Rosario Bianco intervenes. A compelling novel in which the 1992 massacres, especially the one in via D’Amelio, are meticulously revisited in all their genesis, with references to events and characters of that period. The event organized by NapoliCittLibro, Mursia publisher, Mezzogiorno Europa Foundation.

17 October 2022 | 16:08

© Time.News

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