A NASA scientist is completely sure that there is extraterrestrial life in our solar system

by time news

2023-08-26 02:43:42

A NASA scientist believes that there is life beyond Earth, and that it could be much closer than we think.

According to a new theory proposed by Dr. Michelle Thaller, a researcher at the Goddard Space Flight Center, it is likely that if there are aliens, they are hiding on Venus amid unbearable conditions for humans.

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In a statement that left the entire community speechless, Thaller said that possible signs of life have already been observed in the carbon dioxide-filled atmosphere of the neighboring planet, adding that she is absolutely certain that life exists somewhere. very close to Earth.

A NASA scientist is completely sure that there is extraterrestrial life in our solar system. (Photo: AFP/NASA)

Is there life on Venus?

A planet suffering a searing 475°C under a thick acidic atmosphere may be the last place you would expect extraterrestrial life in our solar system.

However, Thaller assured that it is possible that there is on the hot planet: “We have seen something in the atmosphere of Venus that is very similar to what bacteria could produce.”

Commonly called Earth’s twin due to its similar size and structure, Venus has conditions that astronomers consider unfeasible for life that we know of on our world.

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Located 108 million kilometers from the Sun, it has temperatures that can melt lead. Its atmosphere – made up of sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide – also contributes to the inhospitable situation, triggering a greenhouse effect that prevents heat from escaping into outer space.

Despite this, scientists have long debated whether the clouds of Venus can harbor microbial life forms capable of surviving on sulfur, methane and iron. And Thaller adheres to these theories.

Engulfed in an intense atmosphere that has crushed every lander sent to explore this scorching and toxic planet, it is impossible for life to survive on its surface. But in the clouds things change.

In this way, in her speech at an exhibition on deep space held in New York, Dr. Michelle Thaller reflected on the possibilities of extraterrestrial life on Venus and stated: “I certainly believe that we will find life.”

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