A neurologist with decades of experience reveals 7 keys to protecting memory

by time news

Las neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia are complex pathologies in which a wide variety of different factors intervene. Many, unfortunately, seem to be unavoidable; however, it is possible that certain habits and decisions can mitigate the impact of others.

Thus, the neuroscientist Richard Restak explains in the North American environment CNBC some habits that affect an increasingly studied aspect of the aging of the nervous system, such as cognitive activity and the exercise of memory.

1. Read fiction

Restak argues, for example, that there are some reasons why fictional books are somewhat more demanding on our memoryby forcing us to withhold details about various settings, plots, and characters.

In fact, the neurologist even states that over the years he has observed that a common sign of early dementia is that the patient stops reading novels.

2. Take advantage of visits to museums

Los museums, says the expert, are an ideal place to do some simple memory exercises. For example, in art we can try to remember the elements of the paintings, after spending a few seconds or minutes memorizing them.

3. Take naps, but for less than 90 minutes

There is some scientific evidence that the napping habit improves memory performance in several areas, as long as their duration is not excessive. It could even, Restak argues, partially offset the deleterious effects of insomnia, a common early symptom of dementia.

Work that will form part of the exhibition 'Cerebro(s)' / 'Cervell(s)' in the month of July at the Center for Contemporary Culture in Barcelona

4. Brain games at parties and gatherings

Another aspect that is known to have a decisive influence on the development of dementia are relationships and social contact. One way to combine this with cognitive activity, says the expert, is by playing different games that train memory.

The neurologist cites some well-known ones such as bridge or chess. But it can be made even simpler; He proposes as an example that a person leaves the room, the rest of the participants select an object, place or person and then the first one tries to guess it by asking up to 20 questions.

5. A proper diet

The feeding it has a decisive influence on cognitive aging, so taking care of it correctly can make a difference in the way in which we preserve skills such as memory.

old women playing cards

For Restak, some of the foods that we should amake sure to include on the menu include legumes, fruits and vegetables of all colors, antioxidants, lean or vegetable proteins, nuts, fermented and fiber-rich foods, various oils, foods rich in omega- 3, dairy and spices.

6. Use images to remember

Certain terms or concepts can be especially difficult to remember. For this reason, this expert proposes turning that idea or word into a specific image that reminds it in some way, thus putting into use the visual memory.

7. Exercise regularly

He physical exercise It is another of the fundamental pillars for a healthy aging of the nervous system and the functions of our brain. It does not need to be of great intensity; Simply activities like daily household chores have been linked to less memory loss and a lower risk of dementia.


Richard Restak. An 81-year.old brain doctor’s 7 ‘hard rules’ for keeping your memory ‘sharp as a whip’. CNBC (2023). Viewed online at https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/02/02/81-year-old-neuroscience-shares-brain-rules-that-keep-his-memory-sharp-as-a-whip .html on 02/06/2023

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