A new bill: sexual assault on a nationalistic basis – an act of terrorism

by time news

MK Yulia Malinovski (Israel Beitenu) submitted a bill to define sexual assault on a nationalistic basis as an act of terrorism. The bill will equate the punishment for such an offense to the punishment for the offense of a terrorist act, and will provide relief and rights to the victims as victims of the hostilities. According to MK Malinovski, ” The background to the bill are shocking cases in recent years of members of minorities sexually assaulting Israeli women.”
About two years ago, a 10-year-old girl was raped in the south by a Bedouin, and just last week another member of the minority allegedly raped an Israeli woman, a mother of three children, in her home in Gedera. The resolution of the UN Security Council in 2008 stated that a sexual assault of a citizen of one nationality by a citizen of another nationality in an area defined as a conflict zone, will be defined as an act of terrorism. In light of this, Malinowski’s bill calls for the implementation of the UN resolution.

In a conversation with “Maariv” yesterday Malinovski said that “in recent years there is a phenomenon that for some reason they turn a blind eye or deny its existence – sexual assault and rape on a nationalistic background. Two years ago there was a shocking case of the rape of a 10-year-old girl by a member of the minorities. The punishment for him could have been more severe Much more so if his offense was defined as terrorism. I urge all members of the right-wing coalition who spoke so much during the election campaign about restoring personal security to the citizens of Israel, now is the time to prove it, support the bill.”

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