A new campaign tells the whole “truth about weight” online and on social media – time.news

by time news
from Elena Meli

This is the title of the initiative, which aims to dispel the many false myths about obesity to learn about this disease, understand how to deal with it, find the most suitable centers and doctors to treat it

A lot, a diet is enough. matter of constitution. With age you will lose weight. How many times have we heard these sentences, addressed to a person in the flesh? These are false beliefs, when not real perception errors: the new campaign Do not hide behind false beliefs explains it well. The truth about weight which, online and on social media, helps to understand howobesity is a diseaseto be addressed and managed as such and without making the mistake of believing that it is not a health problem.

Incorrect perception

The main problem is precisely the tendency to think of not having any disease, if the excess weight: in our country, according to the most recent report on obesity in Italy by the Auxological Institute of Milan, 11 percent of the obese populationwith a marked gradient of increasing from north to south and a greater number of cases among the men and after 65 years. Yet only one in three patients have the real perception of her condition and just 8 percent are treated by professionals. The lack of awareness that it is a disease leads to tell false truths, to think that a do-it-yourself diet can be decisive, to forget that obesity is above all a health problem, because it is associated with a significant increase in risk. of numerous other pathologies, from diabetes to cardiovascular diseases, from liver diseases to tumors. The campaign was therefore created to combat false information circulating on the subject and to clarify it, helping patients first of all to understand the nature of their problem and giving indications so that they can find adequate medical help and feel less alone.

Not a vice

Because around obesity there is still a big one social stigma, as explained by Iris Zani, president of the Associazione Amici Obesi Onlus: The unawareness about the disease and the lack of proper medical support lead many people to tell themselves a series of false truths to better tolerate their condition and survive a society, often cruel, which stigmatizes those who are obese. Denying one’s condition is a common practice, which is why awareness campaigns like this are fundamental: in addition to debunking the erroneous idea that excess weight is personal responsibility, caused by wrong habits, and that people affected by this chronic disease can manage it independently, helps those directly involved not to feel discriminated and alone. The importance of the campaign, which offers online resources to find treatment centers and correct information on the disease, is also understood by the long list of scientific societies that support it: in addition to the Associazione Amici Obesi Onlus, the Italian Association is also partners of the initiative. Dietetics and clinical nutrition (ADI), Association of Endocrinologists Doctors (AME), Italian Association of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Foundation (ADI Foundation), Italian Obesity network (IO Net), Obesity policy engagement network (OPEN), Italian Society of Obesity Surgery and metabolic diseases (SICOB), Italian Society of Endocrinology (SIE), Italian Society of General Medicine (SIMG), Italian Society of Internal Medicine (SIMI), Italian Obesit Society (SIO).

May 23, 2022 (change May 23, 2022 | 18:31)

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