A new Energy Defense Council: yet another forced passage?

by time news

“The President of the Republic will hold a Defense Council on Friday morning. It will be devoted to the supply of gas and electricity, in view of the increase in energy prices and in anticipation of this winter”, reports BFMTV . Originally, the Defense Council was devoted to security and defense matters, but Emmanuel Macron and his government have transposed this concept into the framework in the fight against Covid, and today the energy crisis. A bad habit ?

What is a “Council of Defense”?

Created in 1958, this Council, which became very active from 2016 and the terrible attacks that were perpetrated that year, meets very regularly. After the Nice attack of July 14, 2016, François Hollande decided to hold a National Defense and Security Council (CDSN) every week. The role of this Defense Council is multiple: it defines the orientations in terms of military programming, it is also a military deterrent tool, it organizes the conduct of external operations, plans responses to major crises, defines the French policy of intelligence, but also in the area of ​​energy and economic security, as well as homeland security programming contributing to national security and the fight against terrorism. The members of this Council vary according to the formations. The President is permanent.

The CDSN, meeting in plenary training, brings together the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister in charge of the Economy, the Minister in charge of the Budget, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as the ministers concerned by the subjects discussed. In restricted formationthe participants vary according to the agendas.

Finally, there are two specialized CDSN training courses: national intelligence council. “In addition to the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the ministers and the directors of the specialized intelligence services as well as the national intelligence coordinator sit there. The National Intelligence Council defines the strategic orientations and priorities in terms of intelligence. It establishes the planning of the human and technical resources of the specialized intelligence services”.

Et, the nuclear weapons council : “In addition to the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defence, the Chief of Defense Staff, the General Delegate for Armaments and the Director of Military Applications of the Atomic Energy Commission sit there. The Nuclear Armaments Council defines the strategic orientations and ensures the progress of programs in the field of nuclear deterrence”.

“We are at war”

The initial defense and security configuration has remained in place until today. However, after the outbreak of the covid-19 epidemic in 2020, the government created a new type of Defense Council called Health Defense Councils.

The Council’s decisions were based on the opinions of a Scientific Council, created in March 2020 at the request of the Ministry of Health: a group made up of thirteen scientific experts, who issued various health recommendations, some of them highly contested, during these two years. This Scientific Council was recently dissolved and replaced by the “committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks”chaired by immunologist Brigitte Autran.

Read also: “Still too many unvaccinated people”, denounces Brigitte Autran, president of the new scientific committee

It therefore seems that the strategy of Emmanuel Macron and his government is to multiply the Defense Councils to resolve the various current crises. However, the nature of this advice poses a problem. Indeed, the content of the subjects and the remarks made remain secret, by virtue of their secret defense status. Consequently, the French do not know the reasons for the decisions taken, no report of these councils is transmitted, and their secret-defence archiving can last from 50 to 100 years!

In addition, these Defense Councils disregard Parliament, which means that the decisions taken are adopted without democratic debate. A significant part of the health measures taken during these two years, such as the obligation to wear a mask, the decision to confine the entire population and curfews, were imposed without consulting the National Assembly or the Senate. Moreover, it suggests that only the executive and a small group “d’experts” are in a position to judge which choices are the best for the French people. Our leaders become in fact a superior moral and intellectual authority for the French people, to whom they have no accountability!

The end of abundance…

Today, many French people are worried about galloping inflation and future restrictions linked to the energy sobriety policy advocated by the government. Other European countries are experiencing the same problems as France: in the United Kingdom, electricity bills have sometimes increased tenfold, provoking movements calling for a boycott of the payment of electricity and gas bills from October 1st.

On this subject, the risk would be that the government promulgates decrees authorizing load shedding, that is to say power cuts at certain times of the day, which seems to be an idea being considered:

… and democracy?

Emmanuel Macron’s statements during the Council of Ministers have caused a lot of ink to flow. He claimed in particular that the time of abundance was over! However, what the commentators failed to recall is that Emmanuel Macron also declared that it was the “end of recklessness, democracy and human rights” : a simple Macronian formula, or a taste of what awaits us?

Read also: War in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron warns the French that they will have to “accept the price of freedom”

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