A new home for the prefabricated houses

by time news

Assembly hall: The prefabricated house builders build inside for outside.
Image: Maria Irl

The prefabricated house industry is defending the single-family house, pushing from the green field to new, also urban terrain. And it drives the industrialization of production.

Dhe prefabricated house industry can’t really complain. Incoming orders may have dropped in the past year, but most companies are working at full capacity anyway. Here and there, managing directors and company owners report under the seal of secrecy that they are not all that unhappy about being able to process the old orders. With capacity utilization until mid-2024, the medium-sized prefabricated house industry with its total turnover of 3.75 billion euros can hardly be upset by current swings up or down. She has planning security.

And for more than ten years she has known nothing but growth. At the turn of the millennium, the proportion of prefabricated houses among single and two-family houses built in Germany was 13.5 percent; last year it was 23.5 percent. The focus on Germany, where 90 percent of the houses are sold, and the north-south divide have remained the same. In Baden-Württemberg, the German Mecca for prefabricated houses, the share is heading for 40 percent. But in Lower Saxony it is below 10 percent.

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