A new look at recycling is needed

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

Carlos Gomez*

The month of celebration of the International Recycling Day is a unique opportunity to bring to the public debate the importance of the practice of reusing the waste we produce.

One of the most efficient methodologies for a sustainable economy, recycling goes beyond promoting the reuse of solid waste that we generate every day. It is today one of the most effective models for slowing down the exploitation of our natural resources, such as wood, water and minerals, and also preserving the extraction of new raw materials. Such relevance and pertinence that lead us to question why we are still a country where only 4% of the 82.5 million tons of waste generated are destined for recyclers, according to data from the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)? After all, where are we going wrong?

Brazil has one of the most advanced laws on the planet. In addition to having a National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), which is a showcase for the world, here we have Federal Law 14,260, the Recycling Incentive Law, enacted in 2021, after four years of processing in the National Congress. An unprecedented and unprecedented proposal with regard to incentives for the practice of recycling, it makes it possible to deduct income tax for individuals and companies that invest in recycling projects. It should be reiterated, in fact, that the resource for compliance with the rule has already been provided by the Federal Government, which has set aside BRL 299 million for the application of the Law in 2023. For it to be implemented, we still await regulation by the Ministry of the Environment.

Now, if we have serious norms and guidelines coming from Brasilia, why are we still at the forefront? To get an idea of ​​the delay, in terms of comparison, other developing nations such as Chile, Argentina, South Africa and Turkey have an average recycling rate reaching 16%. If we land in Germany, the indicators reach 67%

I believe that this delay can be attributed, in large part, to the focus only on the environmental bias that one has for the area, but it is necessary to emphasize that recycling is an economic activity with a high social impact, capable of generating jobs and income for the most different population strata. More incentives are needed for a country that in 2022 produced an amount of garbage equivalent to 85 million popular cars, as shown by a study published by the Brazilian Association of Public Cleaning and Special Waste Companies (Abrelpe). Here in Brazil, according to the survey, each individual produced more than 380 kilos of waste last year.

These numbers not only demonstrate the urgency of taking the issue seriously, but also invite us to work even harder to enable social growth and environmental preservation through economic sustainability. These flags are not exclusive, on the contrary, they are complementary to the economic, environmental and social development of our country.

The text above expresses the view of those who sign it, not necessarily of the Congress in Focus. If you want to publish something on the same topic, but with a different point of view, send your text suggestion to [email protected].

*Carlos Gomes is a Federal Deputy, President of the Joint Parliamentary Front in Defense of the Productive Chain of Recycling.

#recycling #needed

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