A new means of transport for the Stella Maris Foundation’s ‘Casa Verde’: fundraising begins

by time news

A fundraising initiative for Casa Verde, the multifunctional assistance and rehabilitation center of the Stella Maris Foundation in San Miniato.

The crowdfunding campaign has started on the Eppela platform and is called If you are there we leave.

“Over the years – they explain from Casa Verde – we have managed to keep our commitments thanks to the help of some local associations, the contribution of the Casa Verde Volunteer Group and our two vans. Today we find ourselves in difficulty because we are left with a single minibus with which we are unable to cope with the numerous and diverse requests and needs for outings for external activities. Our goal, thanks also to your contribution, is therefore to implement Casa Verde’s means of transport to allow children to go out and have guided experiences in the world with our help. Specifically, if we reach the goal of 40 thousand euros we can buy a new minibus”.

You can contribute by donating directly on the page by clicking on the button Contribuisci via bank transfer to the dedicated current account – IT45Y0623014002000043228314 – in the name of Irccs Fondazione Stella Maris, indicating in the reason: liberal donation for crowdfunding campaign If you are there we leave in progress on Eppela.

The Casa Verde hosts 22 places for hospitalization in the RSD, six places for hospitalization in intensive rehabilitation, eight places in intensive day rehabilitation, 20 places in the New day center for adolescents with psychiatric pathologies.

“The rehabilitation-habilitation-social intervention that we offer – explain Casa Verde – is conducted in close agreement with the‘USL of the territory of origin of the patientsalso in view of the vast problem of social reintegration of the young people assisted. We therefore configure ourselves as an “intermediate structure” that hosts for a specific period and then, always in agreement with the services of the sending territory, we develop projects for reintegration into the family or for alternative placements. One of the fundamental aspects of the rehabilitation care of patients is the ability to acquire, recover and maintain social skills. We start with gradual exposures to social stimuli in protected and internal activities but carried out in groups.up to experimenting with individual patients in group activities that are suitable for them due to exposure to stimuli and performance requests, but performed outside the facility. This helps us to work mainly on the ability to tolerate and manage frustration caused by external stimuli that are not controllable and unpredictable, respect for social rules, expansion of the feeling of self-efficacy and lowering of anxiety, personal autonomy, reduction of socio-family isolation, improving the quality of life of the patient and his family. External activities activated and activatable soon there will be swimming, athletics, theater, trekking along the Via Francigena, school, structured day trips, weekly shopping, weekly vacations at the seaside and in the mountains, participation in parties and initiatives in the area”.

Anyone who contributes, according to the reward-based crowdfunding system, will receive a reward. To contribute and see the list of rewards Click here.

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