a new prefect, from the North, appointed in the midst of a crisis

by time news

2024-02-14 17:43:54
François-Xavier Bieuville, then sub-prefect of Dunkirk (North), in Loon-Plage, November 30, 2023. SAMEER AL-DOUMY / AFP

“If the blockades are actually lifted, the Minister Delegate in charge of Overseas Territories will return to Mayotte in the coming days. » Announcing the conditional arrival of Marie Guévenoux, the letter promised to elected officials and Mahorais collectives on Sunday February 11 in Mamoudzou, by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, reached them on Wednesday 14.

The letter recalls the measures set out this weekend to try to relieve the pressure of irregular immigration on the island – suppression of the right of soil by a future constitutional law revision, end of the territorialized residence permit which prevents its holders from leaving Mayotte, limitation of family reunification, “iron curtain” against smugglers at sea. To support the development of the archipelago, an “emergency bill for Mayotte” will be presented to the council of ministers on May 22.

The letter co-signed by Mr. Darmanin and Ms. Guévenoux does not establish a list of “commitments”, unlike the government document of March 17, 2018 which included fourteen, after the previous dam movement in Mayotte. The citizen collectives of the “Forces vives” welcomed this news with caution. The dams are “held for a few days, we need to talk with each other”indicated Safina Soula, one of the spokespersons.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers The abolition of land rights in Mayotte, a measure desired by the extreme right with uncertain consequences

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Criticized by the left in the name of republican principles, and by specialists for their relative effectiveness, the expected measures on immigration are, above all, weakened on another front. Tuesday, the Union of the Comoros, the former neighboring colony independent since 1975, from which the majority of foreigners residing in Mayotte come, recalled that it had no intention of cooperating with France in the management of migratory flows .

The agenda of the Quai d’Orsay

The abolition of land law “does not concern the Comorians, who are at home in Mayotte”states a press release from the Moroni authorities: “The Comoros will never stop claiming Mayotte (…) and neither time nor constitutional modifications will be able to alter a thousand-year-old history, a destiny shared by the Comorians. » Grande-Comore, Mohéli and Anjouan are here described as“sister islands” with Mayotte.

“For around fifteen years, migratory flows towards Mayotte have been orchestrated. The corrupt power of Moroni is organizing trafficking from the African continent”, denounced Mayotte MP Estelle Youssouffa (Liberty, Independents, Overseas and Territories) in the National Assembly on Tuesday. The Quai d’Orsay is accused by Mahorais parliamentarians in Paris of pursuing its own agenda and of sparing the Comoros at the expense of French sovereignty. In 2018, he studied at the request of the Elysée the idea of ​​a “community of the Comoros archipelago”, a rapprochement that Mayotte does not want to hear about. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not co-sign the February 11 announcements.

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