a new rebate from Total! How to touch her?

by time news

FUEL DISCOUNT. Faced with soaring fuel prices, Total announces the creation of a new fuel discount of 12 cents valid this summer. For who ? How it works ? We take stock.

[Mis à jour le 30 juin 2022 à 09h44] When INSEE has just revealed the inflation figures for the month of June (5.8% in one year), the energy giant TotalEnergies announced a further discount of 12 cents per liter of fuel purchased at all motorway service stations in its network. This is already the second discount announced by CEO Patrick Pouyanné after that of 10 cents at the start of 2022. This new discount of 12 cents will be effective from July 1 to August 31. Such a discount should allow motorists concerned to save 30 cents per liter, or a gain of 15 euros on a full 50 liters. Aid that can be combined with the discount of 18 cents put in place by the government, and which could be renewed until the end of 2022.

Precisely, this discount of 18 cents from the government could well last: “I make a proposal, it is to discuss with all those who wish it in the Assembly to see if we should not extend the discount of 18 cents until the end of December” declared the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, this Wednesday, June 29 at the microphone of NEWS. Already extended until July 31, this aid aimed at combating the rise in fuel prices after the start of the war in Ukraine could therefore continue for a few more months. The minister even says he is ready to “reaching out to responsible opposition“.

The CEO of Total Patrick Pouyanné has announced the introduction of a new fuel discount of 12 cents! It will be added to that of 18 cents proposed by the government. This new Total Energies fuel discount will be effective from July 1 to August 31 at all of the company’s motorway service stations. This represents approximately 120 stations. This measure should affect around 17 million motorists during the 2022 summer holidays.

The discount is made automatically at the time of payment, at the cash desk or by credit card at the pump. Contrary to what was announced, the price displayed at the pump is ultimately the one you will pay in the end. There is therefore no calculation to be made or discount to be requested from the pump. “It is true that Matignon initially wanted this to appear on the receipt, explains the Prime Minister’s entourage to Le Parisien. But that was not possible.” However, this will make the operation more readable and simple for the consumer. Will all fuels be affected? Yes, Jean Castex had specified in mid-March. E85, liquefied natural gas and LPG will be affected. This boost, valid each time you go to the gas station, will come into effect this Friday, April 1. Here is the device summarized in three points:

  • This discount measure of 15 cents/litre of fuel (18 cents in mainland France) will be valid on all fuels, even E85 at the already lower price. If you drive on diesel with your diesel vehicle, you will therefore be just as concerned as if you drive on unleaded petrol.
  • The measure took effect on Friday April 1, 2022 and will be valid until July 31.
  • The discount will be immediate for the motorist. The price after discount will finally be displayed directly at the pump and via the totem panels at the entrance, contrary to what was originally announced.

Everyone, whether you have a store loyalty card or not. This measure, which will cost the state around 2 billion euros, concerns households as well as businesses and will be “valid on all fuels”, said former Prime Minister Jean Castex in an interview with the newspaper Le Parisien. Thus, you will be able to benefit from the reduction of 18 cents per liter of gasoline whatever your status: are concerned “farmers, craftsmen, construction, taxis, truck drivers, everyone… Fishermen too”, explained John Castex. Arbitrations were then still in progress and Jean Castex finally unveiled specific aid for fishermen: 35 cents per liter of diesel from March 17 and until the end of July.

The economy at the pump will not be invisible. Former Prime Minister Jean Castex gave an example during the presentation of the device: that of a full tank of 60 liters of fuel, i.e. a tank of a good-sized car (a city car has a tank of 45 to 50 liters ) “You save 9 euros” for a full 60 liters, he said in the columns of Parisian. Since then, the device has evolved to finally reach 18 euro cents per liter of fuel, a saving of up to 11 euros per tank. With a price of around 2 euros per liter, a full tank would thus go from 120 euros to around 109 euros.

The fuel discount was put in place from Friday April 1, 2022 and for four months, until July 31, 2022. It should be extended to allow the French to fight against inflation (5.8% in June on one year) and the increase in the price of fuel. In all likelihood, the fuel discount of 18 cents per liter will be extended until the end of 2022, i.e. December.

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