A new school complex for auction – 2024-03-13 04:18:29

by times news cr

2024-03-13 04:18:29

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

With a delay of several months and after persistent efforts of both the previous and current municipal authorities, the Ministry of the Interior approved the funding from the program “Ant. Tritsis” of the project “Relocation of Experimental Primary Schools of Ioannina to a plot within the premises of the University of Ioannina”, with a budget of 6,900,000 euros.

The funding decision was signed by the competent deputy minister of the interior, Theodoros Livanios, and this positive development was announced by the deputy minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Ioannina MP Maria Kefala, to be followed yesterday by press releases and statements by the mayor T. Bega and the former mayor Dem. . Papageorgiou.
Given that the funding decision has been expected for a long time, it is estimated that the auction of an important project, which will mean the construction of a new, modern educational structure for Ioannina, alongside the decongestion of the Zosimaia Pedagogical Academy building, will not be long in coming. which today houses a large number of schools and students.
“The relocation of the Experimental Primary Schools of Ioannina from the building infrastructure of the complex of the Zosimaia Pedagogical Academy in the University Campus is a years-long request of the actors of education in the area of ​​Ioannina and the local community as a whole. The granting of the plot, where the schools will be relocated from the University of Ioannina, the inclusion of the project in the “Ant. Tritsis” opened the way and the decision of the Minister Mr. Livanios is the decisive step, so that in a reasonable period of time the Municipality of Ioannito can complete the required procedures of announcing the project and then contracting it for the start of its construction.
The school building infrastructure of Ioannina as a whole is insufficient and the school units even today are hosted and operate mostly in school complexes that belong to Endowments bequeathed by the Epirotian Benefactors, which are managed by the Holy Metropolis of Ioannina and the Charitable Shops”, he says in her statement Mrs. Kefala concludes: “The government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis dares and implements projects, such as this one, which give new perspectives to the educational process but at the same time serve to relieve congestion from large school complexes in the urban fabric that fall short of the optimal education standards . I express my satisfaction with the decision of Mr. Livanios, whom I sincerely thank for the cooperation we have had in this matter all the previous period”.

Completion within her term is a bet

The decision to finance the project “Relocation of Experimental Primary Schools of Ioannina to a plot of land within the premises of the University of Ioannina” is welcomed by the municipal authority.
As stated in a press release, “this is a very positive development, for an effort that started in 2016, was intensified during the previous municipal term and we hope it will be completed during the current term”.
“The successful outcome of securing the necessary funding to relocate the experimental primary schools is further proof that great goals are achieved by joining forces. In 2016, our municipal authority together with the University of Ioannina started this initiative, which was developed for the most part by the previous administration of the municipality with the help of the services. The contribution of the deputy minister of the interior, Theodoros Livanios, who understood from the first moment the importance of the project and stood by our side throughout the previous period, was decisive. The bet for us is now the completion of this great project, which will greatly upgrade the educational infrastructure of Ioannina”, says the mayor of Ioannina, Thomas Begas, in his statement, on the occasion of the signing of the funding.
His placement in the municipal council was similar, informing the body.

Satisfaction with “New Era”

The share of success attributed to it, for the approval of the financing with the amount of 6.9 million euros for the relocation of the Experimental Schools, is claimed by the “Yoannina New Era” faction, noting that it was one of the projects that had been set as a top priority during her tenure as municipal authority, led by the late mayor Moses Elisaf.
Thanks to his own actions, as he notes, the agreement was reached with the University to grant the required area (almost nine acres) within the campus, while, with methodical steps and with the cooperation of the Municipality services, all the preparation was done and submitted the proposal for funding.
“Firmly believing that the projects belong to the city and the citizens, we express our satisfaction because, thanks to the coordinated work done from 2021 to 2023, we were led to finance the project. Thus, Ioannina will have a modern school of European standards, while the Academy complex will be decongested. We wish and hope that the current municipal authority will proceed quickly with the tendering of the project, so that we will soon have a new complex, of which we will all be proud”, says the leader of the faction, former mayor Dimitris Papageorgiou, in a statement.
During his presentation at the municipal council meeting, Mr. Papageorgiou emphasized that this development is also a response to some arrogant positions in the Economic Committee, regarding the fact that he himself was going to Athens as mayor in November and December.

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