A “new start pack” to support women leaving violent spouses

by time news

Professional support, social benefits or even accommodation: the government launched on Friday the experimentation of a device allowing to unlock a host of aids for women victims of domestic violence in the Val d’Oise. It has been dubbed the “new start pack”.

“When you are a victim of violence for years, it is very complicated to leave. I hope that with a device like this, women who are victims of violence will be able to leave quietly when they feel they are in danger,” said Isabelle Lonvis-Rome, minister responsible for equality between women and men. men, when the device was launched.

Four other departments soon concerned

The system will offer financial assistance, professional integration, emergency accommodation, the establishment of childcare or psychological follow-up. This aid can be released as soon as a woman reports her situation to a reference person. “It can be an association, a doctor, a mayor (…), there is no appointed person”, specified the minister.

“When you are completely helpless, all the steps are complicated. So they must not have too many interlocutors, or in any case only one, to be able to get by,” she added. “Once the reporter is aware of this situation, it is there that he will seize the referent of CAF, who will be this unique referent who will trigger a priority for this woman. »

During 2023, the “new start pack” will be extended to four other departments, including one overseas and one in rural areas. The system should then be extended to all French departments by the end of 2025 or the beginning of 2026.

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