A new study reveals: this is the most sensitive time in the workplace

by time news

When do new employees feel part of the workplace? A study recently conducted by the American consulting company Gartner revealed that 59% of those who started a job in the last six months believe that the choice they made was the right one. This is a decrease compared to previous years, after a constant increase: last year it stood at 83%, in 2020 at 70% and in 2019 up to 60%.

The examination of the answers of about 3,600 candidates reveals that more than a quarter of them stated that the reason for looking for a new position or place was the lack of appreciation they felt from the employer. The study also reveals that 59% of them stated that they would give up a job with a 10% higher salary, for one where they would enjoy a balance between home and work.

between reciprocity and connectedness

Aya Lachmi, CEO and founder of the consulting company AL Consultants, is not surprised by the results. “In the current world of work there is a polarity of ‘us and them’,” she believes. “When we look at 41% who regret their choice a few months after recruitment, we have to ask what happened At this time, and the answer is that in these months a fundamental change took place.”

Lachmi mentions that after a long period in which many worked remotely, organizations began to return to work in offices. “When the policy changes, the coordination of expectations changes,” she says. “Perhaps there is hybridity, but in a different way. The employees say: ‘We are no longer sure that we want to stay.’ You can check in which company it’s not like that.”

Aya Lachmi / Photo: Sharon Levin

Aya Lachmi / Photo: Sharon Levin

Another point that Lachami mentions is related to reciprocity and connectedness: “Employers expect from employees something that they do not demand from themselves, but as long as we are in a fragile situation, we cannot expect stability from the employees. If an organization wants to retain employees, it has to be loyal to them and take care of connectedness.”

According to her, connectedness should be strengthened through management routines with employees, such as weekly personal conversations and team meetings with room for personal expression. She further adds that infrastructures must be created for recognition and appreciation: “for example, sending congratulatory emails for the contribution of teams to society.” At the same time, she notes that care must be taken with infrastructures that will enable growth.

How do you explain the increase in satisfaction with Corona?
“Right then, everyone’s policy was not clear. There were resignations, but here they are looking at something different. LinkedIn has become a place where there are plenty of job offers, and the amount of stimuli and the ability to compare are greater today.”

The cuts in high-tech and the economic situation in the world, do not moderate this?
“Yes, and therefore there is no longer widespread resignation. These results are another expression of silent resignation. We are at work, but not sure we would choose it again. We would prefer a place that balances home and work, a place where we feel more loyalty. We are no longer connected as we used to be time”.

These are employees who have been in the organization for six months. Is it possible to create connections in such a short time?
“It’s like falling in love at the beginning of a relationship. In the first six months, it’s very easy to form a connection, assuming that the intake was done properly. One of the significant problems in recent times is related to remote intake processes that are not done properly. You have to make sure that the employee has internal motivation. He no longer works for the organization. He works for himself”.

Implement stay calls

Maya Buchnik, a career and job search consultant and a mentor on the IL job site, points out that many employers do not attach importance to transparency during recruitment. “The earlier it arrives and the candidates have more reliable information, the stronger the trust and reciprocity will be,” she claims. “It exists more in places where there is a severe shortage, and convince the employee to come.” Buchnik also feels that there is a growing expectation of employees for flexibility, and judging by output: “This is something that employers tend to declare, and it happens less in the field.”

Maya Buchnik / Photo: Peleg Alkalai

Maya Buchnik / Photo: Peleg Alkalai

So what can be done?
Lachmi: “Organizations should not lose employees or live with disconnected employees. Organizational connectedness increases profitability, and they should measure the level of connectedness of employees.” Lachmi points out that what produces this, as indicated in the research, is the aspect of the assessment. “Claim appreciation for the employees, who really have an impact. The balance between home and work is also part of these aspects. One must take care of a constant dialogue with them.”

Buchnik: “As part of the retention processes, it is useful to implement retention conversations, and not only as part of the annual feedback conversations. An employee who receives a high salary, if he does not like the job, or is suitable for it – will not stay. On the other hand, the reference to salary should be raised more in interviews. Employers The candidate is asked what the expectations are, and fewer state what they offer. Employees must understand as early as possible what they are going for.”

And what about the old workers? The study talks about new employees.
“True, and in many cases they are also the most worn out. The tools for examining the connectedness should work all the time, for example through regular surveys.”

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