A new type of lenses for children’s glasses slows the progression of myopia by up to 40%

by time news

The alarming increase in childhood myopia in Spain is a reality. According to data from the report X-ray of Childhood Myopia in Spain of the Alain Afflelou Foundation and the European University of Madrid on 20,1% of Spanish children between five and seven years of age have myopia, which represents an increase of more than three points (16.8%) since 2016. Various studies also point out that by the year 2050, 52 % of the world’s population will be myopic.

With this not very flattering panorama, the manufacturer of ophthalmic lenses Indo has launched a new type of crystals baptized with the name of Superkid Miofocalwhich correct child and adolescent myopia and also slow down the growth of this visual affectation that every day affects more children and young people.

Its creators points out that these lenses are based on a greater knowledge of the retina children and have been clinically tested in a 5-year trial with boys and girls in which it has been observed that glasses slow down the progression of myopia up to a 40%.

The specialists stand out among the main advantages of these new lenses that “are ideal for myopic children and young people since they slow the progression of myopia in the future, have anti-reflective treatments (very transparent), protect from harmful UV rays, and are made of organic, lightweight and very aesthetic”.

every diopter matters

Experts remind parents to be aware of risk factors for this eye condition: “Myopia can make it difficult to do daily tasks, including learning and in the future, if it increases a lot, it could cause visual health problems. 30% of learning problems derive from defects in visual efficiency and perception”.

If you have trouble reading the fine print on labels, you may have presbyopia.

In a situation like the current one, where children spend about 6 hours a day looking at mobile devices -which is a critical factor for the increase in myopia- recommend that parents influence three aspects:

Review the sight of children in specialized centers, especially if the parents are myopic, since it is hereditary.

– Promote activities to free areasince spending between 2 and 3 hours a day outdoors helps reduce the risk of increased myopia.

– Foment breaks and reduce time on tasks and close work.

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