A new way of understanding ambition

by time news

2023-09-19 09:24:48

Dictionaries define ambition as a “strong or burning desire to achieve something, especially power, riches, dignities or fame,” which colors this human desire with certain pejorative connotations and usually associates it with attitudes or behaviors at odds with respect for others. desires and the well-being of others, close to the motto of “the end justifies the means.”

In the view of many, be “an ambitious person” It is equivalent to being a selfish, careerist and often unscrupulous person.

However, for Anna Vicen Renner, advisor and trainer (“coach”) specialized in self-esteem and relationships There is “a new way of understanding ambition” that she proposes applying to make our dreams come true and which she has called “kind ambition” to distinguish it from plain ambition, which does not always have a good image.

Renner (Heidelberg, Germany, 1980) has “washed the image” of ambition, considering it a force that “helps us achieve positive changes in all areas of our life, when we use it in a balanced, conscious way and always keeping “takes into account our well-being in all areas of life, without neglecting any,” as he explains to EFE.

It proposes approaching the concept of ambition from another perspective, understanding that it is “a powerful change engine that we can activate within ourselves, to make our dreams come true and achieve happiness, if we do not restrict it to an exclusive area of ​​our life.”

Ambition with a positive last name

“The ‘kind ambition’ “It means taking equal care of all aspects of our lives,” he emphasizes.
For example, “a person obsessed with their work, but who neglects their partner, family, friends or health, does not have a healthy ambition. Maybe he will be successful in the workplace, but he will be unhappy in the rest of the dimensions of his life,” she points out.

Instead the “kind ambition” It is “healthy, balanced, generous, focused on your well-being and what you want; excludes competitions, rivalries and envies; inspires teamwork; It is a vehicle for achieve your goals and positive changes in lifeenjoying every step of the process,” he says.

To clearly understand this concept, to differentiate it from ‘plain ambition’, EFE asked Renner for an example of ‘kind ambition’.

To explain this concept, the specialist refers to her personal experience, in the transition from conventional ambition, “generally associated with achieving professional success,” to kind ambition, which drives us to “achieve challenges and be better, fuller.” and happy, in a balanced and comprehensive way, in all areas of life.”

Comprehensive and balanced development

“Since I really enjoy my profession, I could work late into the night, including weekends, without complaining,” she says, recalling that at an earlier stage in her life, this made her get engrossed in her things and try to get things done. everything was very good, with which the hours were passing by.

“That ambition has given me very good results in the professional sphere, but it presented a problem: I was focused on a single area of ​​my life and this led me to unconsciously neglect others,” he adds.

“That professional ambition led me to leave aside my sports routine, which makes me feel good, and to be absent for my children, even at the most sacred time of night,” he explains.

He highlights that his ambition was not being used in balance, which caused him stress, led to his house being “upside down” and did not make him feel happy, since he was not evolving as he wanted in the other areas of his life nor was he dedicating time to enjoy them.

The evolution of ambition

At one point, Renner She realized that she was “beginning to be interested” in taking care of all her vital areas, instead of just one: it encouraged her to want to “improve as a mother, as a couple, and to dedicate time, every day, to developing in those areas.” Explain.

Her ambition, which became more balanced, led her to prioritize going to the gym, leaving some work emails on hold, given that playing sports not only made her a better professional, but also a better mother and partner, and in a healthier person, as he remembers.

She adds that her “kind ambition” also led her to explore your sexuality to discover facets of yourself that you didn’t know, and turn it into ato conscious, spiritual and transformative sexualitywhich contributes a lot to your well-being.

“In short, my kind ambition has helped me want to evolve in all areas of my life and take care of each one of them the best I can. It is an ambition that respects my desires, my rhythms and times and my balance, and that wants me at peace,” she summarizes.

That ambition, which is connected to our self-esteem and motivation, is within all of us; We just have to activate that powerful transformative energy! ”She concludes.

Embrace the good side of life. Photo: Lucie/Pixabay
#understanding #ambition

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