A new year and Bahrani’s determination to achieve change and victory 2024-01-12 18:54:17

by time news

On January 7, the religious worker Al-Bahrani, Mr. Hussein Al-Ghuraifi, was martyred after his condition worsened as a result of the torture and abuse he was subjected to during his imprisonment in the first months after the outbreak of the revolution. February 14. The man was not old or sick when he was arrested by the Caliphs, but rather he was a young man with a healthy awakening. But beatings, kicks, hanging by the hands and feet, and other forms of torture weakened his clay body, and diseases overtook him. That day, he was transferred to Salmaniya Hospital for treatment, but the brutality of the torture was more severe than medicine could treat. He remained a victim of diseases until God killed him unjustly. It is not new to say that the executioners of the Khalifa regime recorded unprecedented levels of ferocity and brutality, and that dozens of Bahrainis lost their lives as a result of the torture and ill-treatment they were subjected to. This is a fact documented by international and local human rights reports, and it is clearly the regime’s choice. If that were not the case, he would have made fundamental changes in the prison system, arrested known torturers, and formed independent investigation committees to collect testimonies from thousands of torture victims and punish the criminals who committed them. None of that happened. Rather, the opposite happened. How many medals were distributed by the tyrant and his gang to the executioners, and how much money was spent to create organizations with various titles, whose goal was to obscure the facts, defend the Caliph gang, and polish its image in international forums. By the way, the Bahraini people remembered the anniversary of the martyrdom of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, who was executed by the Saudis on January 2, 2016, and his pictures were raised in marches inside and outside Bahrain.

Is there anyone more knowledgeable about what is happening in the Khalifa prisons than their victims? The new Gregorian year began with widespread protests in the torture queues, despite the participants’ knowledge of the torture, abuse, and bitter punishments that awaited them. More than 400 political prisoners from Buildings 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Jaw Al Maqi Prison began a general strike, demanding fundamental changes to the systems followed in the Khalifa prisons. The Caliphs rushed again in another attempt to obscure the strike and sent their slaves to meet the prisoners and try to end their strike as quickly as possible. This is what happened just two weeks ago in Dry Dock Prison. The young detainees there went on strike, demanding improvement in their conditions. The tyrant’s servants met with them and promised to respond to some of their demands. This is what happened every time there was a strike by political prisoners. But the Caliphs rarely kept their promises.

Some may think that the problem is limited to prison systems, abuse, lack of health care, and irregular visits and family contacts. There is no doubt that this is some manifestation of the crisis, but its essence lies in the internal feelings stored among Bahraini prisoners of conscience, many of whom spent thirteen years behind bars unjustly and aggressively. This innocent Bahrani feels deep down that his arrest in the beginning was a sin, and that his continuation doubled that sin. It is a feeling of the historical injustice that the Bahraini people have suffered from for decades, and they demonstrated in order to lift it, and their youth protested to change reality, and hundreds were martyred on the path to the desired change, and after a hundred years of popular movements, feelings of darkness have deepened, especially after the rise of the current ruler, who is considered the worst Caliph rulers ever. . He is a tyrannical dictator who arrests, tortures and kills. He is a cheap agent who mortgages his homeland to foreigners, and he is Zionist to the core. Therefore, the current generation of Bahrainis who lived through the conditions of the revolution does not see the possibility of coexistence with this tyrant and his gang, and does not believe that the stability and security of the country will be achieved unless there is a radical change that restores sovereignty to the people and ends the dominance of the Khalifa gang over power.

These feelings deepen as the crisis continues and prisons become overcrowded with citizens. Citizens are also increasingly rejecting this ruler after he revealed his ugly face by normalizing relations with the Israeli enemy and denying the Palestinian issue. Therefore, the people’s enthusiasm for change increases, especially with the approaching thirteenth anniversary of their victorious revolution, which embodied the most wonderful epics and wrote a new history for the country with the blood of its martyrs that flowed in rivers. Throughout this period, the tyrant confirmed his criminal nature by expanding prisons and practicing torture and murder. Therefore, the anniversary of the revolution is considered an annual milestone to consolidate the country’s identity, deepen the feelings of revolution, and expand the circle of popular rejection of rogue rule. The prisoners’ strike comes to be another stop on the path of national struggle, and a reason to renew the street movement and strive to achieve the desired change that the people are convinced of the inevitability of happening. Judgment remains with disbelief and does not remain with injustice. It is true that the people pay high prices during their repeated attempts to achieve change, but they also realize that this price in the long run will be less expensive than the price of keeping the Khalifa in power. This is what drives political detainees who suffer from poor prison conditions, are deprived of real communication with their families, and are not afforded the minimum human rights stipulated by international law.

The question here is: Why does this government continue to hold the reins of power despite the widespread opposition that has never stopped fighting and confronting it on the ground? There is no doubt that Western support is one of the most important factors for its survival. In this period of escalating regional tension due to the tyranny of the Israeli occupation, the entire region has become a cauldron of fire. Conflicts have expanded and hotbeds of tension have multiplied. They have surpassed the Gulf region, which was known for its hot weather, and the Red Sea region has become another hotbed of conflict between peoples and the forces of tyranny, oppression, and occupation. With the increasing awareness of the Arab peoples about the necessity of political change, liberating countries from occupation, and ending Zionist hegemony over Palestine, the hernia becomes more difficult to control, and little by little the waves of struggle and steadfastness are rising, whether in Palestine, Yemen, or other countries whose peoples are moving for freedom. This represents a real challenge to the colonial powers that brazenly support the Israeli occupation. These countries were severely shocked when South Africa entered the struggle against the Zionists in its broadest terms, submitting an official complaint against “Israel” to the International Court of Justice on serious charges, the most important of which is genocide, which is a serious crime that has many references in Zionist policies towards the Palestinian people.

Struggle is the title of the stage. There is no room for change without it, and there is no room for retreat from it by oppressed peoples, especially those under occupation, such as the Palestinian and Bahraini peoples. It is not surprising that the voice of Palestine resonates throughout Bahrain, given the similarity of the two situations and the depth of Bahrainis’ feelings towards Palestine and its people. This people knows that they are paying a double price for this position, but what does it harm them when they have been burned by the fires of injustice, tyranny and occupation for decades? As the state of political polarization expands in the region, it can be said that the future of the conflict, which seems ambiguous, will be to the disadvantage of the aggressor parties, and the people will have their share of inevitable victory. America, its positions, and its military power will not be a decisive factor in a battle waged by the peoples of the region for freedom and dignity. What is happening in Bahrain represents a microcosm of the broader circle of conflict in the Middle East, that historical conflict between right and wrong, between the oppressed and the oppressors, and between the owners of the land and the occupiers. The tears of the bereaved women in Bahrain and Gaza are the same, and they are part of the fuel of the revolution that will not stop until victory is achieved, with the help of God Almighty. That is the destiny of this nation and its people, and it is ready to bear the responsibility entrusted to it as a central nation, a witness to the people and a contributor to the human struggle for freedom and dignity.

Oh God, have mercy on our righteous martyrs, make them sincere with You, and release our prisoners, O Lord of the Worlds.

Ahrar Bahrain Islamic Movement

January 12, 2024

2024-01-12 18:54:17

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